Washington Post: Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House
The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter.
Intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials. Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton’s chances.
“It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia’s goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected,” said a senior U.S. official briefed on an intelligence presentation made to U.S. senators. “That’s the consensus view.”
Read more ....
WNU Editor: A lot of news converage but no smoking gun, and no explanation on why would Russia support a Donald Trump Presidency. But what we do know is that the Wikileaks revelations seriously embarrassed the Democrat party, the media, and the U.S. electoral process. It revealed how the primaries were rigged to favour Hillary Clinton. It revealed extensive media cooperation with the Democrat campaign .... first against Bernie Sanders, and then against Donald Trump. It also showed how Democrat insiders operate .... and how they reward their supporters. In short .... if a reporter had done the same thing against a Republican candidate and his political party what the CIA is accusing Russia and Wikileaks of doing .... he or she will be receiving a Pulitzer Prize for his work right now. As for the Trump transition team .... they are not holding back on their opinion of this report .... Trump breaks with Obama, intel agencies on election hacking (Politico). As to what is my take .... the CIA will need to declassify their report and to release names the and organisations that they believed were responsible for hacking the Democrat servers .... they must also include timelines, the what and when the data was taken, and when was this info given to Wikileaks. Saying that you believe someone did this .... while not providing any evidence to back it up .... does not make it necessarily true. As to this claim .... Russia Hacked Republican Committee but Kept Data, U.S. Concludes (New York Times). The FBI in an earlier report says the opposite .... the Russians were not successful in hacking into the Republcan Party servers. But if the Russians had hacked the Republican Party servers .... and knowing how they think .... they would have also forwarded this info to Wikileaks. So why is this CIA report being leaked now? I do not know, but I do know that this report will be used by some quarters to deligitimze the Trump Presidency. On a side note .... the Washington Post is saying that the Republicans are getting on board to support this CIA assessment. Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain are not the Republican party .... they are just two guys who are Republican Senators who have a long "beef" with President-Elect Trump.
Update: Someone asked me on who do I believe is responsible for leaking this information to Wikileaks. As I had mentioned in a previous post on this matter, when you have a leak like this it is usually done by someone on the inside .... i.e. someone on the inside of the Democrat Party. I also belevie that Julian Assange is telling the truth when he says that the Russians did not leak this info to Wikileaks. Julian Assange and Wikileaks have a reputation of revealing secrets and telling the truth .... and they have not been caught on a lie for the past ten years. I cannot say the same for the CIA.
More News On The CIA Report That Claims That Russia Worked To Help Donald Trump Win The U.S. Presidency
CIA says Russia intervened to help Trump win White House -- Reuters
Reports: CIA Believes Russia Helped Trump Win White House -- VOA
Russia tried to meddle in elections, favored Trump over Clinton -- CBS
CIA concludes 'Russia DID intervene in the elections with the goal of helping Trump win' but transition team dismisses claims saying they come from the 'same people that said Saddam had WMDs' -- Daily Mail
Secret CIA assessment: Russia was attempting to assist Trump -- The Hill
Russia 'intervened to promote Trump' - US intelligence -- BBC
CIA finds Russia interfered to help Donald Trump win US election: reports -- ABC News Online
CIA concludes Russia interfered to help Trump win election, say reports -- The Guardian
The CIA says it has evidence that Russia tried to help Trump win the US election -- Business Insider
Trump Team Dismisses Report Russian Hacking Was to Help Trump Win -- NBC
Analysis: The CIA concluded Russia worked to elect Trump. Republicans now face an impossible choice. -- Chicago Tribune
So the CIA is pretty sure the Russians wanted Trump to win -- Hot Air
"and no explanation on why would Russia support a Donald Trump Presidency" That is key.
"when you have a leak like this it is usually done by someone on the inside .... i.e. someone on the inside of the Democrat Party."
Again I agree. If I had to put money on it, I would bet the "leaker"
was a secret Sanders supporter in the DNC or Hillary's campaign staff.
It goes to show that the elements within the Democratic Party and the CIA were in league to push certain foreign policies that they felt Trump would not. Someone on the "inside" disagrees.
My money is on Engdahl's hypothesis.
There is a schism among the establishment in the U.S. regarding how the empire pursues their foreign policy aims and it does not mean the end of interventions. It concerns how the interventions are conducted, as, quite clearly, the pick-your-fascist proxy has run into a major hiccup.
I expect to see the Trump Admin attempt to run interference between Russia and China while they re-organize and gather their strength for The Empire Strikes Back.
The interesting thing about this, is the all the major Countries, are spying and playing games, I suspect the US, and the rest of the NATO's security services are balls deep in Russian Politics and just about every other country they deem important. I just shake my head, this kind of thing is not new, the Brits have been messing with others for a very long time, it's what security agencies and countries do.
run interference
to protect someone else from the attention or criticism due for a particular activity; To help someone in the performance of a task, but not directly assisting in the task
"I expect to see the Trump Admin attempt to run interference between Russia and China while they re-organize and gather their strength for The Empire Strikes Back."
That sentence makes no sense except in an Orwellian (1984) way. I do not think the author meant it in that way. The author has always seemed confused. they however suffer from liberalism, which we know is a mental disorder.
The U.S. is going to Protect Russia and China so that Russia and China can strike at the U.S.
You cannot make this stuff up , but RRH can.
Don't blame the Russians for hacking your skullduggerous, backstabbing, election-fixing emails, Dems. Apparently it was like taking candy from a baby.
/maybe run a tighter ship next time and you'll keep all your dirty electioneering super-extra-top-sekrit.
Aizino lives in his own little GI Joe fantasy land. The idea that Russia and China may have divergent differences and interests that can be exploited or helped along escapes his binary outlook. He's a graduate of the Von Ribbentrop school of Foreign Relations.
Nothing works better than lying and invasions.
But while Der Furor is about as sophisticated and insightful as Aizino, those running the show are not missing a beat.
The U.S. is going to Protect Russia and China so that Russia and China can strike at EACH OTHER is more like it. Any differences in interests between (and within) the two will be exploited and assisted. More and more I'm realizing that Russia and China are not as close as it seems.
Your imperial lords who art in control of the Reichstower realize it too.
More and more I'm realizing you are the biggest idiot on this forum.
And that's what I mean.
But by all means keep playing word games like the one trick pony you are.
divergent opinions
Since we're hanging on my every word.
And while we're at it..
HEY everybody Aizino the Breitbot says I'm a liberal. I guess that makes it true. From the same guy who panned Obama's media advisor while cheering on the Executive Chair of Lying.com.
Lol clintons campaign managers password: P@ssw0rd
LMFAO, that and Clinton couldn't even pass basic opsec requirements...wow, and the dems are begging for a recount, get wrecked
President-Elect Trump 'will name Exxon CEO with close links to Putin as his secretary of state', snubbing Mitt Romney
If what is being leaked is true and factual, Russia's pulled off the Intelligence Coup of the Century, and now have "komprimat" on not only the Potus, but the head of the FBI and the Republican Party.
Russia, Japan, Germany, Italy, Britain & America all broke the Geneva convention in WW2.
If Britain broke the convention you know the Canadians did too.
Heck, Chruchill broke the convention in WW1.
Eisenhower broke the convention in Ww2.
If everyone is always breaking the convention is it worth the paper it is written on?
Po 'lil RRH.
He flubbed the definition of the phrase 'run interference'.
You got to wonder if that sucker is a native speaker.
Ask Saddam Hussein.
The one who smelt it dealt it.
The one who smelt it dealt it.
I will grant that Russia interfered, but so what? I cannot imagine their efforts had any impact. The losers are looking for any excuse rather than what the mirror shows.
No less than 47 countries were signatories to the Geneva Convention of 1929-.
In Aizino's narrow world view six countries that were parties of WW2 make up "everybody". Two of which did not ratify at all. One being Japan, the other Russia -which was a republic of the USSR at the time, not a country; since we're playing semantics.
I love it when he plays games and they blow up in his face. The next four years of games he'll cheer on will be even worse.
But when it comes to stupid, with Aizino we never get to the bottom. He is a black hole of the inane and revels in his banality.
But anyway, like the Convention, Aizino's mental handicap is an established fact.
Past that,
there are conventions and deals broken every day. I guess in Aizino's mouth breathing 4th world way of looking at things, we should just scrap 'em all. How convenient. Especially given the murmurs regarding possible indictments for the war crimes he's promoted and cheered for overseas.
Yes folks,
he really is that f'n stupid and really believes everyone is more stupid than he is. Which would make us vegetables.
I know what I said and I'll say it again and fk your idiom, the English language, like the world does not belong to you.
The U.S. will try to run interference between Russia and China. In all senses of the words.
It's a shame that you are not as good with the English language as you are with spending your mother's Social Security money.
An utter, total fraud.
I can see why you believe there are conventions not worth the paper they are printed on.
but where is the proof, Anon?
And it's a question of credibility and clearly the CIA and the Clinton machine have little if any.
If I remember correctly, I read somewhere that Podesta had lost a memory stick or phone recently and that was where WikiLeaks got the data from.
If, the CIA/DIA/Senate Intel leaks are correct, the US just elected it's first Russian Potus.
"In March 2016, the personal Gmail account of John Podesta, a former White House chief of staff and the chairman of Hillary Clinton's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, was compromised in a data breach, and a collection of his emails, many of which were work-related, were stolen. Some have attributed the responsibility for the breach, which was accomplished via a spear-phishing attack, to the hacking group Fancy Bear, affiliated with Russian intelligence services.[1]"
"If, the CIA/DIA/Senate Intel leaks are correct, the US just elected it's first Russian Potus"
If the leaks are true or B.'s reason 2 is correct, it's gonna be put up or shut up time for Aizino. My bet is he'll try to ride it out in Mom's basement. He's going to need a really big bag of Cheeze-its.
If it's leaks, he's a traitor.
If it's B2, he's a coward.
Well, I would be very cautious with all of that. We shall see the reality only when Trump will be in the white House.
Jac Jac...
At this point in the game it doesn't hurt to embrace the crazy just a wee bit.
I mean,
Donald Trump is the President Elect of the United States of America.
Donald Trump.
Daffy Duck is the President Elect of the United States of America.
Baby Huey is the President Elect of the United States of America.
Bozo the Clown is the President of the United States of America.
Aizino Smith is the President of the United States of America.
Jesus Christ...
Is not the President of the United States of America.
I'm just LMAO, if it's true.
We will find out over time.
Not the first time the Republican's colluded with agents of a Foreign Nation to rig an election, won't be the last.
"Neither is any evidence known on which an assessment is based on. All claims about the alleged CIA report WaPo and NYT report on are hearsay - unverified whisper by anonymous people"
Just because you voted and your guy/gal lost is no reason to get all misty eyed.
You were not suppose to vote anyway.
Maybe your illegal vote explains why Detroit could not balance their vote totals.
The Moon of Alabama piece comes to no conclusion, yet RRH timorously proclaims it is put up or shut up time. What a clown RRH is.
And Republican's colluding is nothing new either:
Even if true, why not work with a major power like Russia? We are going to be needing their help on a number of areas in the coming years if we are to survive. If a candidate were respected by the Russians, it would seem prudent to vote for that candidate.
If a candidate sought the help and goodwill of Russia, such a candidate should be saluted and is definitely worthy of a vote for POTUS. If some type of accommodation with the most powerful military force on earth, Russia and the United States can be achieved, this would be much better for America and posdibly the world.
As for Hillary, they don't respect her and they hurt her. In such an environment, an equitable agteement would seem unlikely.
As for China, the current ridiculously exploitative trade agreements need to be renegotiated, once they are the Us wnd China will be on more equal footing. In such an environment, better relations between the US and China will be possible. Perhaps this is how Mr. Trump expects to run interference. Make friends with both countries.
With Russia he seems to be off to a good start. With China not so much yet but his actions have laid bare the utter pettiness of rhe Chinese leadership.
I meant they despise her as opposed to hurt her. The basic concept is the still the same. We need better relations with Russia. In order to achieve this, we need leaders they respect.
Or control.
"Or control" pretty much everyone probably has access to the information on Hillary's private server. As the best cyber warriors on earth, it is reasonable to assume the Russians have all of the "deleted" emails Hillary thought she got rid of.
When she gets out of line, all the Russians need to do is present ner with these emails and she immediately gets back in line. Furthermore they hold her in utter contempt. It's far better to have people in power they respect. Russian leadership appears to respect Donald Trump.
RNC hack,
Hillary not the POTUS to be Trump is.
If the CIA/ DNI/ Senate Assesment is right, ( if) , guess what, you are a Commie Clone.
Trump is no more a Russian Stooge than Obama was a Marxist Stooge, this is all just Propaganda/Disinformation to attack Trump by the left, the right used the same tactics when Obama was elected. Though I preferred Trump to Clinton, I am under no illusions that Trump will be able to fix anything, in fact I think things will get worse, no matter who is in power, sides are being drawn up and and it will be very entertaining.
Poor Jay & RRH,
RRH gives as proof a Moon of Alabama article. It said nothing of the sort RRH was saying.
So now Jay went to counterpunch and common dreams. Counter punch is a Lefty pub, which ironically is being called by MSM Lefties a fake news site.
You could not make this stuff up.
Wrong again Son of Tamora, like the real winners of the popular vote, even if I could? I wouldn't cast a ballot in your f-d up election. There is no way I'd legitimate the bufoonery has been passing for politics over there. Just knowing you voted is enough to be certain the election, just like its two main contenders, was a fraud.
Good post TWN.
"If the CIA/ DNI/ Senate Assesment is right, ( if) , guess what, you are a Commie Clone."
So is Aizino!!
"If the CIA/ DNI/ Senate ..."
The FBI is compromised. The Dems so to it.
If the FBI is compromised, what are the chances that the CIA is?
The rank * file in the CIA and FBI might be basically competent and good people.
The appointed heads are another matter. With them an administration can get any report they want.
I doubt the senate will say the same thing as the Obama CIA.
I have popcorn and a lawn chair. I'll just wait a few years and watch RRH cook off. He is that bent.
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