Sunday, December 11, 2016

Former U.S. Ambassador To Russia: Putin Wanted Revenge Against Clinton``

The Hill: Former ambassador to Russia: Putin wanted 'revenge' against Clinton

Russia interfered in the U.S. elections to get revenge against Hillary Clinton, a former U.S. ambassador to the Kremlin said Sunday.

Michael McFaul, who served as the U.S. ambassador to Russia from 2012 to 2014, said he thinks Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted to help Donald Trump win the presidency to hurt Clinton.
"Let's remember that Vladimir Putin thinks [Clinton] interfered in his election — the parliamentary election in December 2011 — and has said as much publicly, and I've heard him talk about it privately," McFaul said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

The New York Times reported last week that American intelligence agencies concluded that Russia acted covertly to harm Clinton's campaign and promote Trump.

Putin would also be motivated to help Trump because the two support many of the same policies, McFaul said.

"It's very rational in my view that [Putin] would rather see President-elect Trump be the next president of the United States instead of Secretary Clinton," he said.

"We really do need this bipartisan, independent investigation that others are calling for."

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WNU Editor: As I explained in this post this past summer .... Are The DNC Email Leaks Russian President Putin's Revenge Against Hillary Clinton For Comparing Him To Hitler 2 Years Ago? (July 26, 2016) .... relations were not .... and were never going to be good between Putin and Clinton.


Unknown said...

Hillary Clinton compared Putin to Hitler in 2014?

And Trump is the dumb one of the two?

You could say Putin is authoritarian and a bad guy, but if you are going to, you better have the the wherewithal to back it up. Clearly, America under President Bamster did not.

Hillary puts the dip in diplomat. Other diplomats should have a ceremony disinviting her from their ranks. Maybe they could burn one of her orange pantsuits like the Canadian Air Force burned the one base commander's uniform.

"Subsequent to his conviction, his uniform was burned, his medals were destroyed and his vehicle crushed and scrapped."

Unknown said...

So the the clown in the orange pantsuit broke Godwin's law

Unknown said...

How does Hillary feels about this?

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