Sunday, December 11, 2016

In The Battle For Aleppo The Syrian Government Is Relying On Foreign Forces To Retake The City

WNU Editor: While there are many foreign fighters in the rebel ranks, the media has not focused on the role that foreign fighters have played in bolstering the Syrian army's military campaigns. This AP story examines the role that they are playing in the battle for Aleppo .... Assad relies on foreign fighters in push to retake Aleppo (AP). If this report is true .... even if the Assad regime is successful in retaking the city .... using foreign military forces to police a different sectarian population will be a difficult (if not impossible) task.


Jay Farquharson said...

Syrian Forces in Aleppo consist of:
- 4th Mechanized Division
- 102nd Republican Guard Brigaide
- 800th Republican Guard Regiment
- Tiger Force
- National Defence Forces
- The Desert Commando's Regiment
- The Security and Shield Force
- Imam Mahdi Brigaide
- National Ideological Resistence Brigade
- Imam Hujja Brigade
- Syrian Resistence Brigade
- a local YPG Brigade
- a local YPJ Brigade

There is between 30,000 and 50,000 "Syrians" involved in the fight for Aleppo on the Government side, with less than 5,000 "foreigners*" involved.

* Palistinians who have lived all their lives, in some cases, for 4 Generations, in Syria, since the Naqba always get counted in the Western MSM, as "foreigners".

James said...

Re: the header pic.
I've seen 3 maybe 4 of these guys many times before, especially the big lug front and center.