Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Iran's Navy Wants To Build An Aircraft Carrier

Iranian Navy exercise in 2011. (CC BY, Mohammad Sadegh Heydari, Wikimedia Commons)

FARS News Agency: Iranian Navy Reveals Plans to Build Aircraft Carrier

"At present, the defense ministry and the Navy are both after building military equipment for naval warfare but the defense ministry is producing different types of missiles indigenously and the Navy's needs to missiles are met using this capacity," Deputy Navy Commander for Coordination Admiral Peiman Jafari Tehrani said on Monday.

"Building an aircraft carrier is also among the goals pursued by the Navy and we hope to attain this objective," he added.

Two years ago, Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari had announced that the country was capable of building aircraft carriers and heavy submarines.

Read more ....

Update: Iran plans navy upgrade, including building aircraft carrier (Times of Israel)

WNU Editor: I am willing to wager that this is all talk based on some wish list.


fazman said...

Why not? They have plenty of plywood and fibreglass!

fazman said...

Why not? They have plenty of plywood and fibreglass!

Anonymous said...

They would get more international support if they built a Millennial Falcon...

B.Poster said...

I'm not sure what Iran wants an aircraft carrier for. Furthermore I'm not sure why other nations want them either. Interstingly the other nations who are rushing to build them are either adversaries of America or the British who are building one without the planes to be used with it!!

In general, "western" leaders of which Brit leaders are part of like the American leaders are bumbling idiots without the neccessary sense to "come in out of the rain." As such, tgeir stupidity in wanting to invest in this technology is understandable. After all, stupid is as stupid does.

Aircraft carriers are obsolete against nations with decent navies. They've been rightly referred to as "floating death traps." US and "western" nations may not have the advanced ant-ship technologies such as "sun burn" ant-ship weapons possesed by their adversaries. As such, they may have utility for them that they don't have for America or other "western" nations.

Furthermore Iran would likely employ swarming tactics with it's speedboats against any US aircraft carrier operating in the Persian Gulf in the event of active hostilities very likely quickly sinking the vessels before the US aircraft carriers even knew what hit them.

Should "hot" war break out between the US and Iran US military planners will need to get the aircraft carriers and their planes as far from the Persian Gulf as possible out of the reach of the Iranians. In fact, better to do that now BEFORE "hot" war ensues. Prudence suggests being prepared ahead of time.

Know the enemy. Know yourself. You prevail in all conflicts. American military planners would do well to get this. The same applies to the "west."

How would Iran use this? Do they plan to launch sorties off it's deck against the US mainland? Probably not. Their operatives in the United States could probably be much more effective. After all aircraft carriers are expensive to operate and Iranian forces are probably already in America, ready to damage, and simply awaiting the order.

I think they plan to use it agsinst Israel. If so, the Israelis will probably sink as many as they can produce before they can get in position to launch planes. Propaganda (I prefer the term messaging) can be a terrible thing if one begins to uncritically believe their own messaging.