Saturday, December 24, 2016

President-Elect Trump's Remarks On Foreign Policy Is Upsetting The Current White House Administration

U.S. President Barack Obama meets with President-elect Donald Trump (L) to discuss transition plans in the White House Oval Office in Washington, U.S., November 10, 2016. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

Wall Street Journal: Donald Trump’s Forays Into Foreign Policy Strain Transition

President-elect wades into foreign policy before taking office, setting up confrontation between outgoing and incoming administrations

WASHINGTON—President-elect Donald Trump is upending the modern convention that the U.S. speaks with one voice on foreign affairs, plunging into some of the most sensitive national-security matters before he takes office.

Mr. Trump has launched a series of challenges to President Barack Obama’s policies on nuclear weapons, China and the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, setting up a rare and increasingly public confrontation between outgoing and incoming administrations.

Mr. Obama on Friday brushed back pressure from Mr. Trump to block a United Nations Security Council resolution harshly criticizing the expansion of Israeli settlements. Mr. Trump on Thursday called on the administration to veto the resolution. But Mr. Obama instead chose to break from longstanding U.S. policy and allow it to pass.

“There’s one president at a time,” said Ben Rhodes, a deputy national-security adviser. He said the president believes “it’s important that the world understands who is speaking on behalf of the United States until Jan. 20.”

Mr. Trump took to Twitter after the vote, saying: “As to the U.N., things will be different after Jan. 20th.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: President-elect Trump is clearly communicating to everyone that he is eager to take on the role of President .... and as a result he is making a lot of people unsettled .... and who are not ready for someone like him.


Anonymous said...

It would be nice if at least made an attempt to abide by long held standards regarding incoming and out going administrations, policies and procedures.

B.Poster said...

Given the massive failures BHO and his tean, they need to be challenged. The change can't come soon enough. Only 27 days to go!! America must somehow hang on until then. At the time of change, America will FINALLY have hope for the future.

With that said DJT may disappoint. I'm not under any delusion.

Even if he is fully successful, he will not be able to fully undo the damage wrought by previous leaders. America and Americans have a long hard road ahead of us.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Given the massive failures BHO and his tean, they need to be challenged. The change can't come soon enough. Only 27 days to go!! America must somehow hang on until then. At the time of change, America will FINALLY have hope for the future.

With that said DJT may disappoint. I'm not under any delusion.

America and Americans have a long hard road ahead of us.

Anonymous says

The only hope we can have related to a Donald Trump presidency is that we all survive it, planet wide.
First, his immaturity as a leader of a Nuclear Nation is pathetic, his choices in national security, State dept. and internal Secretariats preview a continuation of his lack of understanding all things necessary, foreign and domestic.

The one things he does understand, the reason he is successful, just as Putin and Xi and all great manipulators, he understands how to control or direct people's psyche, using Nationalism and just plain deceit. Especially a society so dense, shallow and self absorbed as our own. We are prime pickings. Thus, President-Elect Trump!

The way he has broken long established protocol and the proper handling of foreign affairs is abhorrent. And puts all of us, throughout the world, in significantly more danger.

jimbrown said...

Didn't Trump give Obama a VIP golf card? Isn't he supposed to step aside in exchangs?

Jac said...

When I read or hear the press Trump is always wrong, no matter what. As "the People" we can disagree with each other because we are free of our opinion, but to be "permanently opposite" is a little bit narrow minded. I often oppose Obama, but still recognize when he was right, that's just sanity of the mind.

Unknown said...

Obama just needs to take a golfing vacation until the 20th.

Unknown said...

Ben Rhodes, a deputy national-security adviser?



... graduating Phi Beta Kappa in 2000 with majors in English and political science. ... and graduating in 2002 with an MFA in creative writing.[

I would rather replace the MFA guy with a Moroccan I know, who is a tour guide. The results would be better.