Saturday, December 17, 2016

President Obama: Russia Is A 'Smaller Country, They're A Weaker Country'

WNU Editor: His criticisms of Russia aside, his linking of Republicans (without naming names of course) to Putin's anti-democratic policies tells me that he still does not understand why (at least publicly) his political party lost big in the elections last month. More here .... Obama: Trump's victory threatens America's core (Politico). The same can be said about Hillary Clinton .... US hacking claims: Clinton blames Russia and FBI boss for loss (BBC). But what will probably save the Democrat party will be its donors .... they are clearly disappointed, and they want answers .... Hillary Clinton donors still in shock over Trump win, hope to ‘wake up’ from nightmare (Washington Times).


Unknown said...

Population 2016 estimate: 146,544,710
Total Area 6,592,772 sq mi
GDP $3.685 trillion

United States
Population 2016 estimate: 324,720,797
Total area 3,796,742 sq miles
GDP $18.558 trillion.

By golly, BamBam is right! He can read and can superficially reason.
I am so proud of him!

Macedonia defeated the Persian Empire.
Prussia defeated the Austrian Empire.
U.S.A. defeated the Evil Empire.

When the U.S defeated the USSR, the USSR had 50% more population.
We also did not have Lysenko. :)

Not only can Obamao read, he knows about inequalities '<' & '>'.
He also has a nice crease in his slacks.

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," - Joe Biden

I guess that is why the Democrat high poobahs want him up in the Plantation House and not in the fields.

“I remember distinctly an image of–we were sitting on his couches, and I was looking at his pant leg and his perfectly creased pant,” - David Brook

David Brook is a notable NYT house slave. The editorial staff do not even chain him up anymore at night.

Barack Insane Obama can read at a 6th grade level and knows about inequality signs but he cannot critically think. That is not to say he does not know his Frankfurt school critical theory.

Unknown said...

After the remarks on being 'clean and articulate' and his 'sharp creased slacks'.

It reminds of this crappola from the mavens of smart.

Unknown said...

I believe in changes, and onesty, having good relationships with Russia is a good thing, is better to have Russia as an allied. Trump is doing a good job bringing the big companies back to USA, restructuring the Obama insurance so that the competition can provide cheaper insurance is also a good thing, but Clinton issues with the lies just to get elected is not ethical at all, that is why we people voted for Trump.

Anonymous said...

That and ppl want America as founded, not some professors socialist wet dream...America has spoken, the more ppl cry about it (dems and obama) the larger whole they dig for themselves.

The leftist outcry for fairness and equality quickly disappears when their ideology is challenged, similar to little kids unable to grasp the reality that there are better ways to do things, there are more reasonable ideologies then their own.