Friday, December 23, 2016

Russian President Putin Comments On Worries Of Another Nuclear Arms Race

RT: If we are in arms race, US started it by pulling out of ABM treaty – Putin

If Russia and the US are engaged in another nuclear arms race now, then it is the fault of George W. Bush, who started it by withdrawing from the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

“The prerequisites for a new arms race were created after the US withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty. This is obvious,” he said on Friday during his annual Q&A session with the media.

Putin was referring to a key international agreement reached in 1972, under which the US and Soviet Union pledged not to undermine one another’s nuclear deterrent by developing the means to intercept each other’s intercontinental ballistic missiles.

President George W. Bush’s administration withdrew from the ABMT in 2002, resulting in its termination. Russia has responded by taking measures to ensure that America’s antimissile shield won’t work well against Russian ICBMs, Putin explained.

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WNU Editor: The reaction from Russian media on President-Elect Trump's remarks on starting another nuclear arms race is completely opposite from what the U.S. media is saying .... in short .... they are not "freaking out". So what is the Russian media's response .... they are mirroring what Putin said today .... Putin news conference: Relations with US 'can't be worse' (CNN). But bottom line .... the Russians are not interested in another nuclear arms race .... Putin: Russia's Nukes Can Pierce Any Defense Missile Defense System (NBC). And I will also add .... rhetoric aside starting a new nuclear arms race this is not President-Elect Donald Trump's priority either.

Update: This is what I expect to happen in the coming months on this issue .... Trump Releases Letter From Putin Amid Talk Of Nuclear Arms Race (Huffington Post). More here .... Trump releases letter from Putin asking to 'restore' U.S.-Russia relationship (Politico).

Update #2: Listening to Russian President Putin's annual news conference today (his news conference is going to be posted later) ... .and listening to what he said and the nuances behind his answers .... the impression that I got is that he backing down. He knows President-elect Trump is no President Obama .... and while President Obama looked the other way on a number of critical issues while intervening in spheres that Moscow regards as vital to their national security (i.e. Ukraine) .... the expectation in Moscow is that a President Trump will not do any of this.

Update #3: Cannot say that I am surprised .... Putin says ready to visit U.S. if Trump invites him: RIA (Reuters). This invite will be given, and I predict that this will be the Trump White House's first major state visit.

More News On Russian President Putin's Remarks On Concerns Of Another Nuclear Arms Race

'Nothing unusual' in Trump's nuclear comments, Putin says -- AP
Russia's Vladimir Putin says Donald Trump's nuclear comments are 'nothing special' -- ABC News Online
Vladimir Putin, Unsurprised by Trump’s Remarks, Says Russia Wants No Nuclear Arms Race -- NYT
Putin praises Trump, sees 'nothing unusual' about Trump advocating for nuclear expansion on Twitter -- Chicago Tribune
Putin: Trump’s nuke talk ‘nothing special’ -- The Hill
Trump's Call to Enhance US Nuclear Potential Unsurprising - Putin -- Sputnik

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