Thursday, December 29, 2016

Russian Reaction To New U.S. Sanctions And Expulsions

Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) From right: Presidential Aide Yury Ushakov, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov. © Michael Klimentyev / Sputnik

RT: Kremlin: New sanctions underline Obama admin’s ‘unpredictable & aggressive’ foreign policy

The new US sanctions against Russia are another manifestation of the unpredictable and aggressive foreign policy by the Obama administration, Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin press-secretary, said.

“In our point of view such actions of the US current administration are a manifestation of an unpredictable and even aggressive foreign policy,” Peskov told the journalists.

"We regret the fact that this decision was taken by the US administration and President Obama personally," he said.

"As it said before, we consider this decision and these sanctions unjustified and illegal under international law," the presidential spokesman added.

The US restrictions won’t be left unanswered by Moscow, Peskov said, promising “adequate, reciprocal” reaction “that will deliver significant discomfort to the US side in the same areas.”

However, he added that “there’s no need to rush” with the countermeasures against Washington.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The official Russian response will be issued on Friday. Expect expulsions of U.S. diplomats, and a warning to not launch a cyber attack against Russian government/public institutions.

Update: This is what many Russians think of these sanctions (myself included) .... Russia expert: New US sanctions 'clearly meant to throw a wrench into' Trump's dealings with Moscow (Business Insider).

Update #2: Russia is already retaliating against new US sanctions over cyberattacks (Business Insider)

More News On Russian Reaction To New U.S. Sanctions And Expulsions

Putin Will Determine Adequate Response to US Sanctions -- Sputnik
US sanctions show Obama’s inconsistency, aggression - Kremlin -- TASS
Obama debased his own people by expelling Russian diplomats - Zakharova -- TASS
'Lame' - Russian Embassy Mocks Obama Administration Sanctions -- Sputnik
Kremlin spokesman vows retaliation against US sanctions -- Washington Post
Kremlin Says Russia Plans Retaliation Following New US Sanctions -- Wall Street Journal
Moscow vows 'reciprocal' response to US expulsion of Russian diplomats -- IBTimes
Russian parliament official: U.S. expulsion of diplomats is act of 'political corpses' -- Reuters

1 comment:

B.Poster said...

I think what you think is spot on. This definitely throws a "wrench" into things. I've negotiated things my whole life. I rather hate it but I do it as there is often no choice. While I've never negotiated anything as big as DJT has, the principles are often the same. As such, I could clearly see what he is trying to do.

From the public statements to the selection of team members it is clear that Trump and his advisors had spent many months of carefully crafted and thought out diplomacy. Given the levels of distrust between the parties, it was going to be questionable at best if it could work. Given the stakes, the alternatives were/are much worse and at the end of the efforts if diplomacy failed after all reasonable efforts had been exhausted it would have been much less problematic to sell the American people on a new Cold War, a new Cold War we may not be able to win.

Now by these reckless actions months of carefully thought out and crafted diplomacy have been "destroyed" as you put it elsewhere. Truly a sad state of affairs. As a former Soviet diplomat who understands Russia, what can Trump do immediately upon assuming the presidency to get moving in the right direction? I realize it probably could only be a "baby step." Then again, this was never going to be a quick easy process. I would be interested in your take on any step or steps Trump might be able to take to undercut the new sanctions.