Saturday, December 10, 2016

Tweet For Today


James said...

Well now, a "joint" unsigned statement. We'll just have to take their word for it won't we.
Who actually wrote this statement? Who authorized it's release? Assessments based on historical activity. Based on "alleged" hacked e mails. So they won't even say they were hacked, but if they were, it had to be the Russians.
The last paragraph is a nice touch and also a big clue as to who had the lead in writing this statement.
All in all this very sloppy.

James said...

One last question: Since when has it been the duty/responsibility of the Government to assure the security of a private cyber system?

James said...

Above tweet: Mr. Moore, it is a joint statement, not solely generated by the DNI. I'm sure it was an inadvertent omission on your part.

TWN said...

Fake News? I would like to know who was in charge of security and will they be held accountable, bet they wont.

James said...

"will they be held accountable?" If they are we'll never hear of it.