Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Twenty-Nine U.S. Electors Now Want An Intelligence Briefing Before They Cast Their Votes For U.S. President On Monday

The Hill: More electors join call for Russia interference briefing before vote

More Democratic electors are joining the call for an intelligence briefing on Russian interference in the presidential election before they cast their votes for president on Monday.

Twenty-nine electors now are pressuring Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to disclose more information about the CIA’s conclusion that Russian interference helped sway the election in President-elect Donald Trump’s favor.

On Monday, 10 electors — spearheaded by Christine Pelosi, the daughter of House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) — wrote an open letter to Clapper, demanding more information ahead of next week's vote.

Read more ....

Update #1: Democratic electors expand call for intelligence briefing (Politico)
Update #2: Clinton campaign backs call for electors to get Trump-Russia intel briefing (FOX News)

WNU Editor: I do not think these electors will be successful in stopping President-elect Trump .... but reports of a revolt among Republican electors are now making the rounds .... Harvard professor says GOP electors are close to blocking Trump win (The Hill). More here .... Lessig: 20 Trump electors could flip (Politico). But on the off chance (one out of a million) that such a "coup" does happen .... wow .... the political chaos that will explode will shake the U.S. for generations.


RussInSoCal said...

If the Electors do decide to upend the Electoral College's results, the decision will be passed to the US House of Representatives. Where the Republicans hold a large majority. Trump will be sworn in as president on Jan 20.

The effort from the Left to subvert the Electoral College is solely to cast a pall of illegitimacy over the Trump presidency. With the Wash Post and NY Times running opposition for the Democrat Party (as they are right now), every Trump headline will be prefaced with "The Illegitimate Occupier of the Oval Office, Trump..."

It would be a huge mistake and only serve to further enrage the Left when Trump simply proceeds as planned and implements the policies and people he going to carry through regardless.

The phrase "No Political Mandate" is meaningless to everyone except to longtime Beltway political insiders and their mainstream media sycophants.

In other words: Suck it, Dems. You lost.

James said...


Anonymous said...

They should also be briefed on the potential chaos that would be unleashed and who would be the natural targets if they execute a coup of this type.