Saturday, December 24, 2016

U.S. Vice President Biden Gives His Analysis On Why Hillary Clinton Lost The U.S. Presidential Election

L.A. Times: As Democrats ponder their future, Joe Biden makes a plea for a focus on the middle class

Over a career in elected public office lasting more than 46 years, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. has seen campaigns from the rudimentary, family-run effort that first launched him unexpectedly to the U.S. Senate as a 29-year-old to the sophisticated, data-driven juggernaut that helped elect him and Barack Obama twice to the nation’s highest offices.

But rarely has he trusted anything as much as his own gut instinct, attuned to the middle- and working-class sensibilities of his former neighbors in towns like Scranton, Pa., and Claymont, Del.

Read more ....

Update: BIDEN: As I watched a Trump rally in October, I said, 'Son of a gun — we may lose this election' (Business Insider).

WNU Editor: You can tell that Vice President Biden now wishes he ran. On a side note .... the bitterness of this campaign is still resonating .... Bitter Clintons consider staying away from Trump inauguration and George W. Bush hasn't yet RSVPed – but Jimmy Carter WILL attend (Daily Mail).


B.Poster said...

Frankly as the most despisdd man in American history George W. Bush doesn't need to be there nor would his presence be desired. Please STAY AWAY!!

As for the Clintons, HRC is either a child in an adult body or she's pathologically insane. As such, she and her team need to stay away as well. The serious business of running a country needs to be left to adults who are of sound mind.

James said...

Ole George is definitely disliked by a lot of people, but I don't think he is the most despised. Merry Christmas!

B.Poster said...


Merry Christmas to you and your family as sell!!

You may be right about George W. Bush. I can tell you kn the area where I live in Texas is one of the "reddest of red" areas in the United States and he's despised here. I can only imagine how despised he is in other areas. I've made an inference here which admittedly might be incorrect.

This is in contrast to Barack Obama. While many dislike his policies that have caused them pain, most Americans genuinely like and even love Mr. Obama and his family personally.

B.Poster said...

I meant Merry Christmas to you and your family as well.

James said...

You must live in Austin.

phill said...

It all makes sense now.

James said...

Hey, hey now, I'm from Texas and I'm right 1 out of 10, er 20, well sometimes. Merry Christmas.

Unknown said...

There is nothing to love or like about Obama

He is affirmative action from the day of his birth.

College records would show he is affirmative action.

The man is a snake.

He never had a war on coal as a senator. Then he became president.

Obama will mouth off in the the next 2 years. More stuff will leak.

Obama will be the most reviled man in American history.

If you think it is GWB, it is due to the Leftist fucking media, which is now circling the drain.

Take for example the premier U.S. Leftist rag, the NYT . It sold the Boston Globe for a huge loss. Now it is renting out 16% of its office building.

At this rate The Guardian will be the premier Leftist newspaper.

B.Poster said...


Actually I live just outside of Houston, TX. As stated, this area is among the reddest of the red even in TX and GWB is despised here.

I'm aware of Austin. This is a "blue" area within TX. I know folks from the area. GWB is REALLY despised there. As stated, if GWB is almost universally despised in one of the reddest of red areas and he is at least where I live, I've inferred he is likely hated even more elsewhere.


What you write is largely true. In the mid to long term you may well be correct, assuming the nation survives long enough for this to occur. Frankly, if the left is to remain viable, they need to have some introspection and a frank assessment of why they've lost. Unless they can they haven't seen anything yet compared to what is going to befall ghem.

Without such introspection their only hope will be secure the support of the military and the police. They've alienated the military and it's hard to imagine the police have not been alienated by their actions as well.

For now though BHO and his family are generally well liked even loved by the American people even though their policies are opposed. The incoming Administration and foreign leaders wishing to appeal to the American people would do well to understand this.

James said...

Sorry about misplacing you. Your inference is wrong though. Gwb is disliked by many, but not to the extant that you think.