Saturday, December 24, 2016

Was (Is) NSA Leaker Edward Snowden A Spy?

Eli Lake, Bloomberg: Was Edward Snowden a Spy? The Answer Remains Classified

Ever since the former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden fled to Hong Kong and handed hard drives filled with highly classified documents to the journalists Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras, there has been rampant speculation over whether he was really a foreign agent.

The official story is well known. Snowden over time grew frustrated with the U.S. government's excessive domestic surveillance. In an act of civic bravery, he leaked the evidence to reporters from the Guardian and the Washington Post. As he was trying to travel to South America in May 2013, the State Department pulled his passport. Snowden has been stuck in Russia ever since.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The U.S. House Intelligence Committee report sites that Edward Snowden is in contact with Russian intelligence agencies .... but cites no evidence. And while I am sure Russian intelligence agencies approached Edward Snowden when he first arrived in Moscow .... and have him under a "tight leash" .... I cannot see what they could have gained from him since the information that he stole from the NSA now resides with a group of reporters outside of Russia who have been leaking this intel on a continuous basis. One website that has been instrumental in publicizing and posting these leaks is the Intercept, and they are refuting this U.S. House report .... Newly Declassified House Intel Report on Snowden Is “Rifled With Obvious Falsehoods” (The Intercept).

Update: For those who follow Edward Snowden closely, this is a comprehensive recap .... Edward Snowden feeds his girlfriend KFC in bizarre Christmas photo as declassified report claims he's still in contact with Russian spy services (Daily Mail)

More News On The U.S. House Intelligence Committee Report On NSA Leaker Edward Snowden

Lawmakers say Snowden is in contact with Russian spies but cite no public evidence -- Washington Post
House Report, Evidence Redacted, Ties Snowden to Russian Agencies -- New York Times
Congressional report charges Snowden is in contact with Russian intelligence -- CBS/AP
House report: Edward Snowden in contact with Russian agents -- Politico
Congressional report: Snowden in 'contact with Russian intelligence' -- CNN
House report claims Edward Snowden 'has contact' with Russia spy agencies -- The Guardian
Congress Calls Edward Snowden a Liar in New Report -- NBC
In Declassified Edward Snowden Report, Committee Walks Back Claims About 'Intentional Lying' -- US News and World Report
CIA, NSA Missed Warning Signs of Snowden Betrayal -- Washington Free Beacon
Edward Snowden shreds House report suggesting ties to Russian intelligence -- Washington Times
Snowden refutes House report he's collaborated with Russian agents -- UPI
Edward Snowden News: Declassified Report Claims NSA Whistleblower Has Ties to Russian Intelligence, He Responds -- International Business Times
Exonerating, no evidence of foreign influence, or harm - Snowden on House Intelligence report -- RT


Jac said...

Edward Snowden is a spy, of course, but with which side? That's not the first time (either with KGB or CIA) a switch side is happening. Putin who is a master on this field let Snowden a very long time in the Moscow airport before letting him get out because he had a strong doubt on him.

Anonymous said...

Snowden is a defacto spy!

If you work against your government alone or in conjunction with their adversaries you become a part of the disloyal foreign opposition.

He is a traitor to this nation, and should be pursued till his last breath.

He can burn in hell! If there was such a place.

jimbrown said...

If Snowden is a spy then so is HRC. My head spins with all the contradictions in how we deal with both violations of national security.

jimbrown said...
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Jac said...

May be I didn't myself clear enough: a spy which switching side is not necessarily a traitor, because he can still working with his native country by spying or giving wrong information to the country he switched, but has to show the contrary. Spying is a very complex world.