Thursday, December 8, 2016

Washington Post Story On 'Fake News' Is Fake

Zero Hedge: Washington Post Appends "Russian Propaganda Fake News" Story, Admits It May Be Fake

In the latest example why the "mainstream media" is facing a historic crisis of confidence among its readership, facing unprecedented blowback following Craig Timberg November 24 Washington Post story "Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say", on Wednesday a lengthy editor's note appeared on top of the original article in which the editor not only distances the WaPo from the "experts" quoted in the original article whose "work" served as the basis for the entire article (and which became the most read WaPo story the day it was published) but also admits the Post could not "vouch for the validity of PropOrNot's finding regarding any individual media outlet", in effect admitting the entire story may have been, drumroll "fake news" and conceding the Bezos-owned publication may have engaged in defamation by smearing numerous websites - Zero Hedge included - with patently false and unsubstantiated allegations.

Read more ....

Previous Post #1: How Big Is Fake News? (November 17, 2016)
Previous Post #2: Russia Accused Of Spreading 'Fake News' (November 24, 2016).

WNU Editor: I just cannot make this stuff up.


Anonymous said...

"Hands up, don't shoot" 2014, ferguson, Mo and michael brown.....was fake news that ended up further polarizing America with the obama administration in full support along with the media in full drone mode agreement: nytimes, wapo, latimes, Chicago tribune, msnbc, cnn, and most other left leaning "objective" news sources.

black lives matter has been eating this up for a long time now and the biggest victims of this leftist fueled propaganda war are the poor urban communities where policing is now at an all time low and the police themselves being targeted. Fake news is a terrible thing.

RRH said...

Oh yeah,

Next it will be

Slavery - never happened, fake news

Anti reconstuction - fake news

Jim Crow - fake news

Rosa Parks - fake news

Black Panther leaders murdered - fake news

Black incarceration rate- fake news/their fault

Garner choked out - fake news/ his fault

Aggreived white males discrimated against- all true.