Friday, December 23, 2016

Who Has The Strongest Military: Russia Or The U.S.?

An American soldier takes a selfie at the U.S. army base in Qayyara, south of Mosul October 25, 2016. © Alaa Al-Marjani / Reuters

RT: Ours is waaay better: US reacts after Putin praises Russian military

The US State Department disagreed with a statement that Russia has the world’s best military, which was erroneously attributed to the Russian president. The department spokesman said he believed that American military was the best history has ever seen.

“America has every right to be proud of the men and women that are wearing the uniform and protecting their interests around the world and their ability to do it,” John Kirby said at a daily press briefing. “I don’t think in all of human history there has ever been a military as capable and as intelligent, as strong, as well-led, as well-resourced, as the United States military is today.”

Read more ....

More News On Who Has The Strongest Military In The World

Washington believes US military 'strongest in human history' -- TASS
US State Department responded to Putin’s words about Russia’s military might -- APA
Russia 'stronger than any aggressor' - Vladimir Putin -- BBC
Putin: Russia’s military is stronger than any potential foe -- Washington Post
Vladimir Putin says Russia's military is stronger than any potential foe -- CBS/AP
Putin: Russian Armed Forces Stronger Than Any Aggressor -- Sputnik
Putin Just Declared Russia’s Military The Strongest In The World -- Task & Purpose


Jac said...

Well, Russia and USA are both mammoth compare to any other countries (China included)

Carl said...

It's a stupid comparison. What matters is intent and policy. The US policy over the past 15 years has been one of perpetual regime change wars, which have killed directly and indirectly somewhere in the neighborhood of 1-2 million people, facilitated the spread of Al Qaeda-style terrorism, and left several countries deep in chaos. The underlying basis for these wars goes back to Dick Cheney's 1992 draft defense planning guidance which said that now that the US was the world's sole superpower, it would be US policy not to tolerate any challenge to that status. That's a recipe for World War III. Russian policy under Putin, on the other hand, has been to counter and outflank that US policy so as to prevent World War III from occurring. So far, he has succeeded, with a little help from the US electorate, which prevented Obama's chosen successor--who had clearly indicated that she would have continued Obama's policy of confronting Russia--from ascending to the White House. We have an opportunity to ratchet down the danger, but it's far over, yet.

TWN said...

There hasn't been a major war since WW2, I will with hold judgment until the big Knobs go toe toe toe.

Anonymous said...

Haha yeah wait for bposter.. he's got such a hard-on for Russia, Iran and China ..but he's totally 100% American citizen. .not a paid propaganda troll at all :)

Jac said...


fazman said...


fazman said...

Obviously hes not going back more than 75 years in his assesment.

B.Poster said...

Nick & Anon,

I'm not sure what you're talking about but it seems you're being insulting. I try to have serious discussions about serious issues. Your posts don't seem serious. As such, I'm not sure they deserve a response. Nevertheless I will try again.

If you actually read my posts in their entirety you would undrfstand we could not "know" the outcome of any war between the US and Russia until it actually happened. It's clearly in our interests to do what we can to ensure it doesn't happen.

With that said it is my considered opinion based upon careful analysis that Russia is the most powerful military force on earth. When their nuclear forces, cyberwarfare capabilities, superior training, superior leadership, media support which allows for better messaging than the US can hope to counter, and network of allies is considered this is the most powerful force on earth. The only "allies" the US has is the hopelessly fractured NATO and dying EU.

This does NOT mean we do EVERYTHING they say. Clearly we shouldn't, however, they do need to respect us. Our current situation only onvites their ridicule.

As for the notion of me being a "paid propaganda troll" no. I would never do such, as I would not like who I'd have to thank and my main dream in life was to be an American Marine and defend the USA but my eyesight is quite poor. As such, serving the interests of a foreign nation would be inconsistent with my goals and values.

While I do have some disagreements with Carl, essentially he is correct in that the ascension of DJT offers hope that otherwise would not have been. Essentially the HRC policies of confronting Russia would have meant certain death to tens of millions of Americans, massive devestation to America, and very likely the complete end of the nation itself. With DJT there is a ray of hope.

Mr. Putin seems to have indicated he'd accept a visit to the Whitehouse under a Trump Administration. If it did occurr, Mr. Trump should act in such a way that acknowledges him and Russia as the dominant power.

I don't think Mr. Trump has ever negotiated from a position of weakness. Can the "deal maker" do this. I pray he can. The survival of America may well depend upon it.

I've done this myself and can attest good outcomes and the minization of bad outcomes can be achieved. Why would Mr. Putin offer to come to DC? Perhaps he wants to humiliate DJT in America. Since Mr. Putin as the most powerful man in the world who leads the world's most powerful country is in Moscow, DJT should be meeting Mr. Putin there. I'd suggest Mr. Trump offer to hold the initial meeting there.

This would be acknowledging reality. Perhaps Mr. Putin would appreciate this and good outcomes for America and it's people will be possible.

Hans Persson said...

B.poster..... Its statements like this "nuclear forces, cyberwarfare capabilities, superior training, superior leadership, media support" that they refer to. Its really Hard to take you serious. Troll.

On topic:

Its all about equipment, training and experience. Especially experience. One does not have to think hard about this when you know that the US has been involved in an never ending war for the last 15 years.

fazman said...

Superior training, superior allies? You gotta be kidding!

fazman said...
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fazman said...

Dont forget equipment, l think the Serbs want a refund on their migs.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Either your a Russian troll or a moron. Your clearly have vision problems. You simply can'take be taken serouisly. Tell Putin to have fun ruling his regional power country. With 100,000,000 less people, with the economy the size of Australia. The difference being that Australia's economy isn't in free fall and it's not at junk bond status. It depends on oil and gas exports, no one needs or wants anything else from Russia. May cheap, second class weapons systems. We have seen how they fair against US counterparts, not well. So just keep in your box and killing reporters and opponents, until your country goes bankrupt. Hope your only only aircraft carrier doesn't sink on its own. No ability to put Troops in the US, under 200 fighter aircraft (most from the USSR days), a shadow of our navy, the comparison is ridiculous. Stay in the shallow end Putin

Anonymous said...

Ouch, anon... that was harsh. .even harsher is the reality that oil and gas prices will plummet even further in the next 10 years, further reducing Russia's capabilities of modernising arms. arms race would reduce Russia to an even poorer country, with its citizens probably getting pissed on the way to the bottom and openly revolting. .
Anyways. .again. .we all make jokes and fun, but the reality is that it's still USA #1, Nato #2, nuclear Russia #3.. the sad thing is. .we all want Russia to be wealthy and just be normal. ..that Soviet dream is over and no one wants a part of one wants to be ruled by mafia and thugs. .hence you also suffer from brain/talent drain. ..there's just no way out except continuing to poke western countries and embarrass us now and then for your own fun. .which, I admit, worked well this time. ..but. .It always puts the world at risk, and one day may backfire

Unknown said...

LOL I love it