Wednesday, January 11, 2017

CNN Responds To President-Elect Trumps Remarks That They Are 'Fake News'

WNU Editor: I always have supper around 5:00 PM, and I always have the TV on in our kitchen where I watch either CTV/CBC/or CNN. I had flipped from the CBC (where they were discussing the Canadian government's cabinet changes) to CNN where I found them discussing the story that has created this firestorm. CNN's claim that they were professional when making this report does not hold any water. It was obviously to me within a minute that they could not contain themselves last night on reporting this story. The fact that there is no evidence to support this story was not important to them .... they wanted to believe in this story .... and they pushed it like that.


Unknown said...

Bout time we had a Real President!

Unknown said...

Bout time we had a Real President!

Anonymous said...

Like any good leftist establishment, naturally the burden of proof is on the trump team not's good to see the media held accountable and also very insightful to view the leftist worldview's childlike response to reality.

Anonymous said...

lol CNN doesn't have to prove anything they sir, u must believe!!

fred said...

Lincoln: someone named Unknown is writing your lines!

Anonymous said...

Viva Mr Donald J Trump America President put fake CNN in check

Unknown said...

Home & Garden channel is deemed more relevant to the American people than CNN.