Friday, January 20, 2017

Editor's Note

Taking a break tonight. Blogging will return tomorrow morning.

Update Saturday, January 21, 2017 9:30 EST: Under the weather with the flu. Will try to blog later today.


James said...

I'm hearing rumors that Al-Baghdadi has released a large number (if not all) of his foreign born fighters from local service. Also, I hear that he has relieved a significant amount of his upper command structure.

Unknown said...

Came to check the blog and noticed no new posts and your comment of having the flu.
Rest up, hydrate and kick the virus. Thank you for your work.

Ron said...

Bud' sdarov!

phill said...

So apparently Iranian air artillery fired at something in Tehran.

Anti-aircraft weapon systems on top of buildings, that's the only takeaway I got.

War News Updates Editor said...

Thank you for the link Phill. Alert 5 first reported on it a week ago, and I decided to not make a post on it. You (and someone else who emailed me a few days ago) have convinced me that I should.

phill said...

Your welcome Editor.

"Cue the Music"