Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Is The World On The Verge Of A Major Cyber War?

Ido Kilovaty, Jerusalem Post: The World Is On The Verge Of A Major Cyber War

Predicting possible conflicts with a great degree of precision is somewhat difficult. Yet certain indications point to a possible escalation in the realm of cyberspace.

A Combination of geopolitical and strategic circumstances is leading to an inevitable war. It’s not the type of war we traditionally envision – which includes kinetic weapons, physical destruction and most importantly, casualties. It’s a war that will undermine information systems, expose secret political, military and diplomatic documents, target the confidentiality, integrity and availability of critical computer systems, and more.

This grim prediction stems from recent developments that nearly eliminate any sort of deterrence the United States had in cyberspace. Most importantly, the US reaction to the Democratic National Convention hack. US President Barack Obama acknowledged that “when a foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections... we need to take action.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Some would argue that we are experiencing a cyber war situation right now .... but the above author does have a point .... a truly widespread and extensive cyber war would undermine (if not destroy) our trust on using the internet to conduct our daily lives .... and that in itself will be a conflict that will cost the global economies trillions of dollars. On a side note .... Iran already has the ability to impact internet traffic among it's neighbours .... Iran's 'Porn Blockers' Are Impacting Access To These Sites In Other Countries (Cool Science news).

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