Sunday, January 15, 2017

It Will Take 10 Years For The Canadian Military To Replace 14,000 World War II Era Pistols

Canadian soldier firing a Browning 9-mm Pistol (Canadian Army)

Ottawa Citizen: Canadian Forces looking to replace Second World War-era pistols but it could take another 10 years

The Canadian military is looking to replace its Second World War-era handguns but it could take up to 10 years for all of the new pistols to be distributed to the troops.

Replacing the 1940s-era Browning handguns has been on the Department of National Defence’s procurement list for years.

But now the purchase of new guns appears to be moving ahead.

Still the Canadian Forces figures if the purchase is approved – and there are no delays – it won’t have all the new pistols in hand and being used until 2026.

The military plans to conduct a survey later this year to determine what the role of handguns might be in the future Canadian Forces.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: 10 years?!?!?!


RussInSoCal said...

The military plans to conduct a survey later this year to determine what the role of handguns might be in the future Canadian Forces."

The above sentence alone is enough to describe the level of bureaucratic ineptitude that would cause a 10 year lead time for 20,000 pistols. Socialists at work.

Not every service member needs a pistol. Mil police and special operators do need them. The rifle is the priority. Not sure what the status is there.

/S&W, Glock or Beretta could fill this order in six months.

TWN said...

When the war gets close enough for you to use a pistol, things are definitely not going well for you.

Unknown said...

I think the greatest threat to Canada is invasion by Elbonia.

So Canadian leftists have time to dick around.

TWN said...

One of the reasons they are is no rush, is that Canada produced a shit load of the Browning's during the war, still have many in stockpile, and they are still a good serviceable pistol as well. I like the High Power, I like the Glock as well, if I was clearing a house or a trench it wouldn't really matter me which I had, both will do the job.