Saturday, January 21, 2017

Many Senior Positions In The U.S. Government Are Empty

The Oval Office (when it is empty). New York Daily News.

Jonathan Bernstein, Bloomberg: The Empty Trump Administration

We're two days away from having a new president. But we're apparently a lot longer than that from having a Trump administration with even a minimally functional ability to govern.

Politico's Michael Crowley has a nice piece explaining the missing National Security Council staffers, and the dangers that could cause if there's an early crisis. Hundreds of briefing papers have been created by Obama's NSC and sent to Team Trump, but the New York Times reports that no one knows if they've been reviewed.

Yet the NSC is ahead of the curve for this administration. Look at the big four departments. There's no Trump appointee for any of the top State Department jobs below secretary nominee Rex Tillerson. No Trump appointee for any of the top Department of Defense jobs below retired general James Mattis. Treasury? Same story. Justice? It is one of two departments (along with, bizarrely, Commerce) where Trump has selected a deputy secretary. But no solicitor general, no one at civil rights, no one in the civil division, no one for the national security division.

And the same is true in department after department. Not to mention agencies without anyone at all nominated by the president-elect.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is what happens when the establishment of a winning political party publicly  disapproves of the person who has won the Presidency .... there will be blow-back, and it will be in the form of who gets what job/position in government. Am I surprised .... absolutely not. No leader is going to  appoint people who disapprove of his/hers policies. Unfortunately for President Trump .... the pool of people that  he needs to go to to fill up his government .... the think-tanks, the foreign policy establishment organisations, business groups, etc. .... are the same ones who have made it very clear that they do not approve of his policies. I still expect these positions will be filled in the coming months .... too much money and power is at stake ....  and there will be no shortage of good candidates. But for many in Washington .... especially for those who work in these think-tanks and foundations and who dream of the day when they are in government influencing policy .... I am hearing on the grapevine that many of them are in shock that they have not received a phone call from the Trump administration .... let alone getting a job offer.

Hat tip Jay for this link.


Jay Farquharson said...

"This is what happens when the establishment of a winning political party publically disapproves of the person who has won the Presidency",

Yeah, no.

The Trump Administration fired most of the Obama and Bush II nominees, effective Jan. 19th. Normally, these people stay on in their Departments and continue the "running" of Government, until their replacement nominees have been vetted, had their security checks, been confirmed, and then a week or four are spent bringing the new nominee's up to speed.

By inaugeration, the Trump Administration has selected less than 600 nominee's for over 6,400 positions, of whom only 3 have been confirmed and only 8 have filled out their vetting and clearance paperwork. Obama had 6 confirmed, 2900 nominated, all with the paperwork filed, Bush II had 12, with 4200 nominees with paperwork.

Quite simply, the Trump Administration is clueless.

War News Updates Editor said...

Jay. The Republican establishment was on board in 2000 and 2004 for Bush II .... that includes Republican think tanks, foundations, business organisations, etc.. Everyone knew during the election that if their party won .... they would have a job in the government, and no surprise .... after the election the appointments were forwarded right away. . Such lists are common .... I saw such a list for the Liberal Party of Canada in the 2011 election (my name was not on the list). Ditto for President Obama and the Democrats in 2008 and 2012. In this election round.... Republican think tanks, foundations, business groups .... including many within the Republican Party itself .... were dead-set against Donald Trump .... and I would say doubly so now. Hence there has been no appointments from what is known to be the Republican establishment (one more reason why they are freaking out right now). But having people absent at the top is a huge problem .... and you are right Jay that this will create a perception of incompetence and crisis if not resolved ASAP.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for speaking the truth, Jay. Much better than many haters of America and Putin apologists!

Anonymous said...

No one wants a part of his radical unAmerican ways. He does not represent, want or understand the basic tenets of being an American. Just like the cabal congress and the regressive Supreme Court. Republican, even at their worst is well above the standards and comprehension of trump and company!

Jac said...

Not letting the Trump administration governing is the politic of the worse...and that's the worst politic.

fred said...

Inept early moves because not clever enough to put in place people with experience who might have made a much smoother transition

Chase jones said...

Probly dont take that many to do the job thats our problem more people getting paid fron tax payer than tax payers. Clean out the fed we need about 10% of the federal jobs we have now states right piss on the fed

Chase jones said...

Canada the new Germany lol so happy we on a diff. Path than u boys