Sunday, January 15, 2017

Security Preparations And Concerns For The Trump Inauguration

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USA Today: Inauguration security focusing on truck attack threat, Homeland Security says

DULLES, Va. — Federal authorities overseeing the far-flung security plan for next week's inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump are fortifying a perimeter around the Capitol to account for the threat of deadly truck attacks similar to recent assaults in Germany and France that left dozens dead.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said Friday that while there were "no specific or credible threats'' targeting the inauguration events, security forces were "doubling down'' to thwart the type of vehicle attacks that killed 12 last month at a Berlin Christmas market and left 86 dead at a July Bastille Day celebration in Nice.

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More News On Security Preparations For The Trump Inauguration

High security over truck attacks for Trump inauguration -- AFP
Secret Service plans security force of 28,000 for inauguration events -- Seattle Times/McClatchy
Trump inauguration: Security to guard against disruptions; no ‘credible’ terror threat -- Washington Times
Trump Inauguration Security on Alert for Lone-Wolf Terrorism -- Bloomberg
Truck attacks, drones among new security threats for Trump inauguration -- Times of Israel
Trump Inauguration Day Terror Threat? Security Cost For Jan. 20 Event Crosses $100 Million -- IBTimes


Jay Farquharson said...

Jac said...

Yes, Jay, that's a little bit strange.

Jay Farquharson said...

Apparently not a conspiracy, just incompetence.