Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Senior President-Elect Trump Aide Hints That Trump May Reconsider Sanctions On Russia

USA Today: Conway dismisses need for independent hack probe, says Trump may reconsider sanctions on Russia

NEW YORK — Kellyanne Conway, one of Donald Trump's top advisers, on Monday questioned whether additional investigations are needed into reports of Russian hacking during the campaign and indicated the incoming president may reconsider some of the punitive actions President Obama had ordered in response.

"I predict that President Trump will want to make sure that our actions are proportionate to what occurred, based on what we know," she told Capital Download. She said the steps Obama took, including ejecting 35 alleged Russian spies, were harsher than those he ordered after reported hacking by China and North Korea and suggested the reason for the difference was political.

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WNU Editor: Kellyanne Conway is the voice of President-elect Trump .... and her remarks tell me that President-elect Trump  just gave a big carrot to Russian President Putin. Let's see how fast President Putin responds.

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