Wednesday, January 25, 2017

These Are The World's 8 Great Powers

Walter Russel Mead & Sean Keeley, American Interest: The Eight Great Powers of 2017

In 2016, Russia surpassed Germany, and Israel joined the list for the first time.

1. The United States of America

No surprise here: as it has for the last century, the United States remains the most powerful country on earth. America’s dynamic economy, its constitutional stability (even as we watch the Age of Trump unfold), its deep bench of strong allies and partners (including 5 of the 7 top powers listed below), and its overwhelming military superiority all ensure that the United States sits secure in its status on top of the greasy pole of international power politics.

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WNU Editor: France? U.K.?


B.Poster said...

This article contains so many errors that I wouldn't even know where to begin. Actually I do. The problem is doing so would go WAY beyond the allowable characters.

I've documented reoeatedly a number of the flaws in this type of thinking in the comments on various posts on this website numerous tines. Just to scratch the surface only the most convoluted thinking would put Germany any where in the top 8. Also, there's no reasonable way to rank Japan ahead of Russia.

Also, where the article suggests Russia's actions are out of sorts with it's capabilities, if we transpose this and use this to describe the United States this would be right. Also, where it is suggested Russia "is punching above it's weight" this is incorrect. As I've been patiently pointing out for the last 20 years, Russia is one of the two most powerful countries on earth. When one doesn't grasp reality, one is surprised and makes such ridiculous statements. Unfortunately some just seem unable to grasp reality. For those who understand reality, how Russia is "punching" comes as no surprise and is expected.

Whodat said...

I knew the article was flawed before I read it. (even as we watch the Age of Trump unfold) was dead giveaway. Russia better than U.S.? Only in the case of EMP rendering hi-tech useless, which in a confrontation between the two is guaranteed.

Caecus said...

The article is not talking strictly about military power but also soft power, diplomacy, economics etc. If not there would be no reason to have Iran, Germany or Japan on the list.

Anonymous said...

Japan actually has quite the military - look at the destroyers - in comparison to Germany...

B.Poster said...


I did not say Russia's military is 100% better than America's. What I stated was Russia is one of the top two powers on earth and when it's full spectrum of capabilities is factored in I believe this to be correct. I've been very careful to point out that we cannot "know" the outcome of such a war before it is fought. It'd be prudent not to try and find out.


You mention EMP weapons. I've long been aware of this as well and may have mentioned this elsewhere on this site. Also, Russian cyber warfare capabilities need to be factored in. This would go a long way to neutralizing any conventional capabilities America may have. Given the worn down nature of the US military such conventional capabilities may not even exist for the US at the level needed.


I picked up on this as well that the article deals with soft power as well. There is still no reason to have Germany on this list that I can see.


Japan does have quite the military!! I think we may even be close to the day when the American forces will be able to redeploy and the Japanese will be able to carry on militarily completely independent of the US. when it occurs, this will be a great day for both countries!! The US military is spread to thin, morale is low, they are worn down, equipment is substandard, and training lags below what it needs to be. The men and women of the US armed forces desparately need to have some of the burdens lifted from them.

For what it's worth, as an island nation, they will need destroyers to defend their coasts and keep shipping lanes open. This would seem a good investment for them.

As stated, it will be a great day when the US can finally withdraw. This needs to be a top priority of the current presidential administration. Renegotiating these comitments that we are simply in condition to be able to keep and to do so in a way that respects the dignity and defense needs of these countries and America as well.