Thursday, January 5, 2017

U.S. Intelligence Has Identified The Headquarters For A Chinese Military Hacking Unit Inside Two Beijing Hotels

American military intelligence has identified a hotel complex that is serving as an ersatz headquarters for a Chinese military hacking unit. China is basically hiding its operations cyberattack units in plain sight.

Washington Times: PLA’s hacking hotel

U.S. military intelligence has identified a headquarters for a Chinese military hacking unit — inside two Beijing hotels.

According to an open-source intelligence report produced by the Army’s Asian Studies Detachment, “the Headquarters/Jintang and Seasons Hotel appear to be located in the same or at least adjacent buildings, both of which are, according to available information, owned by or connected to the People’s Liberation Army 4th Department.”

The Fourth Department, known as 4PLA, until recently was part of the military’s General Staff Department and is also known as the Electronic Countermeasures and Radar Department. The unit was reorganized into a new PLA service called the Strategic Support Force. The roll of the department is to conduct offensive electronic warfare and information warfare, including offensive cyberattacks.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: If this report is true .... talk about hiding in plain sight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well - anyone who has been to Beijing won't be surprised by this one