Thursday, January 5, 2017

U.S. Intelligence Officials Are Saying That Russian Officials Celebrated When Trump Won

U.S. Defense Under secretary for Intelligence Marcel Lettre (L), Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and National Security Agency Director U.S. Navy Admiral Michael Rogers testify before a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on foreign cyber threats, on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S. January 5, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

Washington Post: U.S. intercepts capture senior Russian officials celebrating Trump win

Senior officials in the Russian government celebrated Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton as a geopolitical win for Moscow, according to U.S. officials who said that American intelligence agencies intercepted communications in the aftermath of the election in which Russian officials congratulated themselves on the outcome.

The ebullient reaction among high-ranking Russian officials — including some who U.S. officials believe had knowledge of the country’s cyber campaign to interfere in the U.S. election — contributed to the U.S. intelligence community’s assessment that Moscow’s efforts were aimed at least in part at helping Trump win the White House.

Other key pieces of information gathered by U.S. spy agencies include the identification of “actors” involved in delivering stolen Democratic emails to the WikiLeaks website, and disparities in the levels of effort Russian intelligence entities devoted to penetrating and exploiting sensitive information stored on Democratic and Republican campaign networks.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The U.S. intelligence community did not have to intercept Russian communications to know what Russia's top officials were thinking .... they were making their opinions very well known before the election .... Who Would Putin Vote For. Clinton Or Trump? (July 5, 2016). More here .... A Look At Where Clinton And Trump Stand On Russia (August 6, 2016). But the best one that I have is way back in March .... Is The Kremlin Hoping For A President Donald Trump? (March 25, 2016). In the final analysis, the reason why the Kremlin was more favourable towards Trump over Clinton was because of this .... Russia Scholar Stephen Cohen Shuts Down CNN Host Who Tries To Link Trump To Putin (July 31, 2016). As to Russian officials celebrating Trump's victory .... I would say that this is incorrect. They were not celebrating .... they were relieved that Hillary Clinton had lost.


fazman said...

So what, so was half of the u.s for crying out loud.

fazman said...

So what, so was half of the u.s for crying out loud.

jimbrown said...

You have to be pretty damned stupid to connect these dots in this way. Almost as good as Russian Intel predicting HRC win. Maybe they're the same people.

jimbrown said...

You have to be pretty damned stupid to connect these dots in this way. Almost as good as Russian Intel predicting HRC win. Maybe they're the same people.

Caecus said...

@fazman obviously hakf of Americans are Russian agents

Unknown said...

I celebrate when someone like Theresa May wins instead of a some sop like Cameron.

I will celebrate when the door hits Merkel on the way out several months from now.

I'll celebrate when a motorcycle riding gallant like Hollande or a chandelier swing gallant like Bonaparte III leave office.

BTW Hollande and Bonaparte are or were very brave, brave men.

Napoleon III was hors de com-at from his intense campaigning in boudoir and could not ride in a saddle for long. He did so much for his country.

I'm sure that Hollande (Bill Clinton & his scarred member also) would like wise find it very hard to ride a motorcycle if not for penicillin.

Yes, Hollande spends so much time galvanting around and playing Santa Claus that I will celebrate when the door hits that tool on the way out.

James said...

These people have a track record of being spectacularly wrong and spectacularly right, but what they have to say is worth noting.

1. The president-elect not only proposes to put relations with Moscow on a new and different footing, his transition teams are already at work with Putin’s advisers to chart areas of cooperation between the two powers, ready for the Trump administration to go forward when he moves into the White House on Jan. 20.

The most prominent area is the war on the Islamic State; another – the conflicts in Syria and Iraq. They are also exploring a joint US-Russian effort to resolve the decades-long Israeli-Palestinian dispute.

2. Obama, who has decided to retain a team for monitoring Trump’s policies, has plunged into a dogged fight against his successor’s decision to reset US-Russian ties.

Battling to salvage a part of his “legacy” is, Obama, exceptionally for departing American presidents, is determined to cast a long shadow over his successors’ actions and policies.

In the next four years, Barack Obama will keep hammering at the Russian hacking affair in order to keep the flames high against Trump’s “Russian steps.”

3. It is important to note that Trump and his advisers, including designated Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, don’t propose rushing into détente with Moscow or any sort of honeymoon. They are acting to restore relations to an even keel and end the disequilibrium of the past eight years, during which Obama just talked and Putin did what he wanted, especially in East Europe and the Middle East.

If the effort to restore balance to the relationship works, cooperation in common areas of concern might follow. But if not, the rivalry will continue, except that henceforth America will operate from a position of strength.

4. Working together in the war on Islamic terror will call for a large measure of cooperation between US intelligence agencies and the Russian secret services.
Sixteen years ago, after 9/11, Putin proposed this kind of cooperation to President George W. Bush in the fight against Al Qaeda.

In 2011, he stepped in again with an offer of assistance to Obama in the Libyan war.

Putin was rebuffed by both presidents rebuffed him. Donald Trump is the first US leader ready to seriously explore Putin’s intentions.

The US intelligence community is up on arms at this prospect, mainly because its clandestine branches were purpose-built to confront Russia, America’s historic Cold War enemy. It is hard for them to wrench the wheel round and head in the opposite direction at the bidding of the Trump administration.

5, Notwithstanding denials by administration officers, the president elect has every intention of overhauling the character and operational methods of America’s intelligence services. His overarching goal is to cut down the vast numbers off officers, analysts and computer operations, which turn out mountains of intelligence reports most of which he claims no one reads.

Trump plans to focus more on the product of secret agents in the field, and so save the hundreds of billions of dollars spent on desk staff and high-tech computer systems. His administration will prefer to rely more on human intelligence and less on technology-based input.

Trump encapsulated his approach to intelligence and computers in a remark to reporters on New Year’s day: “No computer is safe. You want something to really go without detection, write it out and have it sent by courier.”
Item Three was significant.
H/T Debka

Unknown said...

A petulant boy king Obama can cast a long shadow and put it all out there, where it can be caught between a door and a door jamb.

Trump, Putin, someone else, everyone else could serve Obama his comeuppance.

Without a government tech team how secure will Obama's communications be? Will techies work for free or a pittance for Obama? If Obama does hire people at the going rate will it be enough.

I am willing to bet that Obama could be hacked by the NORKs, the Chinese or someone besides the U.S. and Russia and seriously harm Obama's political position by simply leaking the truth.

The 'lil red diaper doper baby had better watch out. I will sit back do nothing and enjoy. I have lawn chair and I usually have popcorn on hand.

I am sure that the Israelis will hack him and pass of the information to the British press or someone. They will not be the only ones.