Sunday, January 22, 2017

Who Will Test President Trump First?

A pedestrian walks past the store 'Army of Russia', located opposite the U.S. embassy, with an image of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump seen on the advertising board, in Moscow, Russia, January 20, 2017. REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin

Steven Metz, WPR: Which of America’s Adversaries Will Test Trump First?

America’s adversaries are almost certain to challenge U.S. President Donald Trump early on, testing his inexperience in national security affairs and his propensity to personalize political interactions. How he and his team respond will show the mettle of the new administration and determine whether other adversaries mount challenges of their own. What is not clear, though, is which of America’s adversaries will move first.

Russia, which appears to have launched a multidimensional assault to weaken Western democracies, seems the least likely to challenge the new administration. Indications are that Trump will get along well with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He has shown little concern for Russia’s cyberattacks, intervention in the U.S. electoral process, and aggression against neighboring states. Hence Putin would gain little from openly testing the Trump administration, at least in the short run.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Russia wants better relations with the U.S. to stop the build-up to Cold War II, and to eliminate current sanctions .... so no test from them. China has traditionally been the first country to test an incoming U.S. President .... but they do not want to give an excuse to President Trump to start a trade war and/or trade restrictions .... so they will stay quiet. My money is on either North Korea (testing a nuclear device or launching a missile), or Iran (naval confrontation in the Persian Gulf).


fred said...

My guess, based on what I have discovered from the Trump/Russian connection: Russia will probe, push, test a bit to see how strong their connection, developed over 5 years, is. Nothing lost by trying and a lot to gain.

Anonymous said...

I'm putting my Money on Jay...leading a small army of wood workers and craftsmen across the border to try and seize Spokane...

Anonymous said...

Would you consider it a failure for us to allow rival to be in a low risk high return position on us? If so would you consider it an intelligence failure, politcal failure, etc?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Jay likes Radiohead if that clears things up

B.Poster said...


If such a connection really exists, perhaps it is we who should push and probe to see how strong this connection is. Forbes pegged this correctly. Vladimir Putin is the most powerful person on earth. Having good relations with the most powerful person on earth who heads arguably the world's most powerful country would have huge benefits.

Since no evidence of such a connection has been presented beyond media and HRC campaign hysterics, it seems unlikely such a connection really exists. I suspect the Russians hold all American leaders including DJT in utter contempt. As such, their trust will need to be earned.

fazman said...

It will be iran with another harrasment by fast attack boats or something bigger.
They are going to be in for a rude reality check.

B.Poster said...

Should Iran choose to try this now multiple US vessels will be sunk with all US hands lost and the Irainan vessels will be back home before the US government even knows what happened. Iran will suffer no losses as the US vessels and crews will be at the bottom of the ocean before they even know what happened.

Perhaps if we have good relations with the Russians they might act to restrain Iran for us. The US Navy has had the good sense to remove all aircraft carriers from the Persian Gulf.

Adjust to reality, act accordingly, and good outcomes are still possible. Failure to do this and good outcomes are problematic at best.

If you want to give soneone a "rude reality check", send Aussie forces to do this and leave us Americans out of it. When you and your people are on the firing lines, I'm pretty sure you will be more circumspect about this.

Of course, if you can secure good relations with the Russians, you just might succeed. Tnis will mean jettisoning ideolgy and acting in acvordance to reality.

Jay Farquharson said...

Jay Farquharson said...


When the Three Stooges get started, you don't interfere, you just sit back, watch and LYAO,

My bet is that after irredeemably pissing off Canada, Mexico, ( NAFTA), the EU and NATO, der Furour picks a hot fight with Iran and a trade fight with China, expecting his handler Putin, will back him.

Freedom Fries and Freedom toast will be back on the menu by September, at a 75% mark up.

phill said...

The Price isn't free bob!

Liberals calling Putin "de Furour" didn't work, it won't work with the 45th.

Don't start nothin, won't be nothin.