Thursday, February 16, 2017

Poll: Half Of America's Voters Believe The Claim That U.S. Intelligence Agencies Are Playing Politics

Rasmussen Reports: Voters Think U.S. Intelligence Agencies Play Politics

As the debate over Russian hacking efforts during the presidential campaign continues, voters here generally approve of the job U.S. intelligence agencies are doing but also suspect that they play politics.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters believe America’s intelligence agencies have their own political agenda. Thirty-nine percent (39%) disagree and think they generally perform impartially. Fifteen percent (15%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

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WNU Editor: This poll was done at the beginning of last month. I can only imagine where these poll numbers are today .... definitely far north of 50%. On a side note .... according to Rasmussen Reports tracking poll  .... President Trump is now enjoying a 55% approval rate.


fred said...

No knowing person takes Rasmussen seriously. They are always Right leaning and always way out of whack with all the more reputable polls.

War News Updates Editor said...

Fred. They were saying the same thing as all the other polls on election day 2016 (They predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide)

But their tracking poll has usually been good. But you are right. Polls are always questionable, and what I do not like about Rasmussen is in their sampling they are always leaning with more Democrats and Independents over Republicans.

Jay Farquharson said...

Jay Farquharson said...

"Look at this a different way. Where is the internal pushback? Imagine the alternative scenario I have heard right wingers toss around, a small faction of intelligence operatives went rogue to undermine the President. That would rightly horrify their levelheaded colleagues. I mean, the stereotypical CIA employee is a conservative, white, ex-military security expert. In other words, a Republican. Langley is full of folks who should be on the phone with the Wall Street Journal in under a millisecond pushing back on this craziness. Not only are many of these guys sentimentally aligned with Trump (in theory), they stand to be rewarded lavishly for exposing a treasonous plot. The fact that nobody has, yet, suggests that the feeling about Trump is pretty damn widespread."