Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Poll: Most Europeans Want To Ban Immigration From Muslim-Majority Countries

The Independent: Most Europeans want immigration ban from Muslim-majority countries, poll reveals

47 per cent of Britons want to stop immigration from Muslim majority countries.

A majority of Europeans want a ban on immigration from Muslim-majority countries, a poll has revealed.

An average of 55 per cent of people across the 10 European countries surveyed wanted to stop all future immigration from mainly Muslim countries.

The Chatham House study, conducted before US President Donald Trump signed an executive order banning immigration to the US from seven predominantly Muslim countries, found majorities in all but two of the ten states opposed immigration from mainly Muslim countries.

Only 20 per cent disagreed, while 25 per cent said they did not know.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: There are a lot of undecided in this poll. But that tells me that if the poll results were evenly split between those who support a ban and those who do not .... the numbers for those who want an immigration ban from Muslim-majority countries will be way-above 50%. As to the feedback that I am receiving from my friends and readers in Europe .... hostility towards Muslims and immigrants are at a level that I have never heard or seen from before. I have friends from Ukraine who now live in the UK, and the hostility against them has shocked them (and me) .... and because they are not Muslim or non-white I can only imagine what those ethnic groups are facing. Same in France, definitely in Poland, and the feedback from Sweden/Denmark is one of "enough is enough". This was never the sentiment in Europe 10 years ago .... but today .... the feedback that I am getting is that it is becoming  the predominant one.


fred said...

Nations seem not to mind having "the others" when the numbers are fairly low. When the numbers rise, through immigration or birthrates, attitudes seem to change. The issue is important, since increasingly there will be huge numbers of people migrating simply to survive, because of wars, droughts, water shortages, etc...where will they go? How will they be stopped?

Chase jones said...

Not our problem 1 and 2 a wall do u think they would take us with open arm if shoe was on other foot? Nope

Unknown said...

"Nations seem not to mind having "the others" when the numbers are fairly low. When the numbers rise, through immigration or birthrates, attitudes seem to change"

BINGO! Now let's see if Frank can go further with that basic psych principle and not err.

I married an "other".

Thing is they do not try to blow shit up or kill people.

Unknown said...

"We are tired of having our younger sisters and daughters raped and our parents robbed and disrespected by Arabs and blacks. "

Well that nice liberal JasbberJay thinks you are an idiot. He has said so many times.

I guess we are to conclude that you should keep having your daughters raped.

D.Plowman said...

I employ a single Muslim worker in my work. Before then, I had three other Muslims working for me.

One was deliberately trying to get into fights with other staff, to the point that he would deliberately provoke them. My guess he was looking for a claim. He even attempted to use the 'race card' against me when I sacked him.

Another was incredibly lazy and wouldn't do his work. Would often miss his shifts and not bother ringing in sick. Sacked. Got a phonecall 2 weeks after he was sacked from his wife, looking to try and take me to court for unfair dismissal. Thankfully I'm a stickler for keeping my books tidy, as well as the foresight in recording any conversation I have with an employee that revolves around terminating their employment. The result was a bogus claim that went nowhere.

The other Muslim was working not for me, but for another company who now and again sends us workers on experience. He took issue with me warning him that praying during work hours when he was not on break and when his sole duty is to be monitoring equipment and guarding said equipment, was not allowed. After repeated unsanctioned break usage and simply disappearing at a time despite efforts to work around his praying schedule, he was sacked.

The remaining Muslim who works for me is probably the hardest worker I've got, and a really nice guy at that.

I don't think your religion should be a factor in determining whether or not you can come to a country - Those 3 examples I provided are a drop in the ocean compared to the many examples I have regarding my own native workers who can be just as bad.

I don't support such a ban - I support strict regulatory immigration. I want strict regulatory immigration. I want control of the borders. I want a strict checklist that will prevent mass immigration, mass unskilled workers flooding into the country and mass asylum seekers. I want not just my country, but all countries to get rid of the notion of an 'open borders' concept and implement full regulation of who can enter, and who can't.

Trump hasn't done that. He's done the extreme. And now this is going to remain a talking point, likely for the rest of his administrative year in office. Is this a good thing? Some might say it has highlighted the issue of immigration - I say it has highlighted everything that is wrong about it. Trump bum-rushed the order through without considering the consequences.

Shutting up shop isn't getting your borders under control. There is no regulation. There is just a full-stop. Sure, I'd argue that's good, in the short term, but what about the long-term fix? From one extreme (Merkel's open borders) to the other (Trump's ban) isn't going to solve the immigration issue. It might earn him some points with the extreme end of the electorate, but it does nothing for him in the long-run. It's also a rather poor argument to say that the mass outcry against Trump is just liberal nonsense. I'm lukewarm about it myself - I think this is the lazy way of doing it. No thought going into, no long-term solution to immigration control - just a ban, a ban that could, and would, and will, likely get overturned in a future administration. This is a cheap-grab at fulfilling a promise that he should have fulfilled in a much more controlled and sensible fashion.

To the pro-ban supporters - I'd say you should look into the future when this ban will be lifted. It won't last. Already it has been temporarily suspended. Trump could have been smart about this. He wasn't.

To the anti-ban people - The 'old' border methods need an overhaul, not just in America, but Europe as well (as the polls seem to show). Not getting tough on immigration only leads to disaster and unwanted bodies floating into the country. Trumps method is extreme, and for those who want control of their countries borders, not something we should endorse.

TWN said...

I suspect it's the same for Canada, but like Capital punishment that polls in the 65% to 75% range our so called leaders will just ignore us.

War News Updates Editor said...

D. Plowman. You have been posting a comment on and off over the years .... but this is the longest one that you have ever done .... and it is a good one. All of your points are sobering. Thankyou.

Unknown said...

Trump is not done.

We do not need refugees. They can wait in protected areas on the Turkish border.

If Trump had not did what he did the McConnells, Obamas and Boehners of Washington would have done ...


Washington had over 1/3 rd of century to get shit down. They did nothing. they made Trump possible.

what less than 3 weeks and you want to throw the towel and let the Boehners of the world rule again?

Wow! Just FuckingWow!

Young Communist said...

The problem is the system.

Capitalism use immigrants as "reserve army" of workers (Marx) in order to blackmail national workers on salaries and wages, this is a part of the plan against workers right and class awareness, and a consequence of capital wars for natural resources and geopolitical undeclared war among economic blocs in Near and Middle East, who is Muslim.

Rising Islamic terrorism, born in the humiliation of those countries, couple with unemployment, loss of welfare state and suburbs of cities or regions who are in decline because of crisis, where most of them are displayed and often abandoned. Thanks to a corrupted local political class and fetid privates or fake social cooperatives, both pointing at the public or EU founds for the migration problem.

Muslim or Christians, white or black they are, locals are angered by a diffuse micro-criminality feed by this mass of peoples forced on the edge, upsetting by a ethnic transformation of the places they used to live for a life (languages, costumes, shops).
Mix this with crumbling economy, loss of welfare state, loss of security on life, education and pensions, a political class seen only as distant and corrupted, more interested to give rights to LGBT community instead to protect peoples from the bankster who steal their money. And on top of that a disgusting message from rich liberist dominant culture that put the fault on the heads of the lasts, because are they who have lived "beyond their resources", and "there is no alternative" to that shitty debt-lead economy or euro.


But those bullshits is effective to destabilize peoples, leaving them alone in this social disintegration, that "dog eat dog" society. Even for many ex communists, that seem to have forgotten practically all they have learned in the past for a more conformist position.

Uncontrolled migration and islamic terrorism are the most evident signs of the decline, and no cares that the great part of immigrants work or do not harm anyone. So many persons that search a target for their frustrations and fears, and cannot reach the real culprits (because they are too well protected by the system), think on isolation and nationalist solutions and who cares about a real solution. In a society in disarray, in the loss of happiness or power, the souls search for an identity, often using partial history.

But in the end we have returned to a disgusting, reactionary society when the strongest bully the weakest and the weakest bully the more weakest. Vote what you (the system) want, the things do not changes. But capitalism is also bringer of chaos and barbarism, and these things cannot be controlled.
For us, no care the menace come from, we continue to fight for civilization and for the countries and peoples we want to protect.

Anonymous said...

Yes that seems to be the case. Most of us ethnic swedes hate them and they hate us.

Caecus said...

Exactly. When the Caliphate still existed it wasn't terrorist attacks but full blown invasions. If you want example look at Spanish history, battle of Lepanto, Vienna..