Thursday, February 16, 2017

Riots Spread To Central Paris And Tourist Hot Spots

Daily Mail: Police pepper-spray protesters as suburban rioting spills into the French capital yards from the Gare du Nord following police 'baton rape' of 22-year-old youth worker

* Tension has gripped some Paris suburbs since February 2, when a man was allegedly beaten up and raped
* Hundreds of rioters tonight took to the streets at the Barbès - Rochechouart station, close to Gare du Nord
* Windows were smashed, rubbish bins were set on fire and police cars were targeted during the disturbance

Police pepper-sprayed protesters in Paris tonight as suburban rioting spilled into the French capital.

Tension has gripped the Parisian suburbs since February 2, when a man called Theo was allegedly beaten up and raped.

Hundreds of rioters tonight took to the streets around the Barbès - Rochechouart station, close to Gare du Nord.

The areas is also close to the Sacre Coeur basilica in the Montmartre area, a tourist hotspot.

Windows were smashed, rubbish bins were set on fire and police cars targeted during the disturbance.

Read more ....

More News On Riots Reaching The Center Of Paris

Scuffles, Tear Gas as Anti-police Protests Reach Paris -- Reuters
Clashes flare in Paris after alleged police rape in suburbs -- The Local
Anti-police protests spread to streets of central Paris -- CNN
Anti-police riots spill over from Paris suburbs into city centre -- Euronews
Police teargas masked protesters in Paris suburb as anti-cop riots continue (VIDEO) -- RT


Caecus said...

the police are way too meek. they need to dish out some punishment and scatter them commies.

Jay Farquharson said...

The police were the ones who administered the beating and anal rape with a baton to a Federal Youth Services Social Worker, a young white Frenchman who's job was to try to get street kids off the street and off drugs.

Caecus said...

Doesn't give those commies a right to riot and destroy property. Those same youths would get beat up if they went into Bobigny, LOL

Jay Farquharson said...

Luckily for France, the kids still believe in MLK, not Mao.


let me try this out....


"Luckily for France, the kids still believe in MLK, not Mao."


I don't remember MLK ever setting fires in the streets, destroying property, or assaulting police officers!


Jay Farquharson said...

Cops treating street youth and baneleu's like crap has been going on for more than 20 years,

Meanwhile as ISIS knows, AK-47's are dirt cheap in Belgium.

Anonymous said...


not an excuse to use violence and still not resembling MLK


Jay Farquharson said...

Soon enough, they will figure that the best way to deal with cops, is to copy the Open Carry Crew,

Jay Farquharson said...

BTW, I love teaching American history online:

Caecus said...

Western commies have too much to lose to be revolutionaries

Unknown said...

We already know about North Carolina JabberJay. Time and other magazines covered it.

The gun laws passed in 1966 like the Saturday night special laws were designed by Democrats to keep black people line.

Democrats just roll that way.

Jay Farquharson said...


Did your wife give you permission to post once again?

Unknown said...

No, I got physically ill.

I love you too JabberJay. It is why I mock you by naming you and you just don't get it.