Monday, February 13, 2017

Should President Trump Fire His Entire White House Staff?


Politico: Trump reviews top White House staff after tumultuous start

Michael Flynn is under fire, but he’s not the only one about whom Trump is voicing his doubts.

President Donald Trump, frustrated over his administration’s rocky start, is complaining to friends and allies about some of his most senior aides — leading to questions about whether he is mulling an early staff shake-up.

Trump has told several people that he is particularly displeased with national security adviser Michael Flynn over reports that he had top-secret discussions with Russian officials and lied about it. The president, who spent part of the weekend dealing with the Flynn controversy, has been alarmed by reports from top aides that they don't trust Flynn. "He thinks he's a problem," said one person familiar with the president’s thinking. "I would be worried if I was Gen. Flynn."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: What's my take on the media coverage on President Trump's staff .... well .... this is what the media is saying ....

The National Security is in disarray .... The turmoil inside Trump's national-security team may be reaching a breaking point (Business Insider).

On National Security adviser Michael Flynn .... Trump's national security adviser Flynn trying to survive crisis (Reuters). More here .... Embattled National Security Adviser's Fate Uncertain (AP)

On Steve Bannon .... Is Steve Bannon The Real President? (Daniel Malloy, OZY). More here .... In Case It Wasn’t Clear Yet, Steve Bannon Is Our President (Jack Moore, GQ Magazine).

On Chief of Staff Reince Priebus .... Trump Friend Suggests Reince Priebus Is in Over His Head (New York Times). More here .... Trump's friend on Priebus: 'There's a lot of weakness coming out of the chief of staff' (CNN)

On senior policy adviser Stephen Miller .... Trump adviser Stephen Miller lied — and it matters (Chicago Tribune)

On White House Press spokesman Sean Spicer .... Is Sean Spicer in hot water or really hot water? (Vanity fair). But apparently they already have a replacement for Sean Spiecer .... Exclusive: White House Has Interviewed Carl Higbie for Press Secretary (Washingtonian).

On senior adviser Kellyanne Conway .... Ivanka Trump Reportedly Pissed Off at Kellyanne Conway (Cosmopolitan).

Hmmmm .... so overall .... according to the media .... they should all be fired and replaced. But the best one is the last .... President Trump should fire himself because he is insane .... WATCH: Sen. Al Franken and Bill Maher say GOPers think President Trump is crazy (Salon).

I have been following U.S. politics for years .... and I have never seen the media, the Democrats,the progressive left, etc. .... going where they are with a new administration  as they are with the Trump administration  (who have been in power for only 3 weeks). Heads up to everyone .... no one is going to be fired this week or the next. People will come and go .... and some may in the next few weeks realise that maybe they are not cut out for this type of work or they may be replaced with someone who is more competent .... but most (if not all) are going to stay in their positions. And the reason why is very simple .... they helped President Trump get elected, they are loyal to him, and they want to fulfil President Trump's agenda and his promises to the people who elected him. And this is why I believe President Trump's opponents are upset (which includes many in the media and almost everyone on the progressive left) .... President Trump has delivered more in the past 3 weeks than any past administration has done in their first year of office .... and President Trump's supporters know this. To his supporters .... this is Christmas everday ... and they are not going to waver.  My prediction .... this 24/7 media bashing of President Trump is not going to stop .... but as long as he delivers on what he promised to his supporters .... he will not be impacted by it. The media and Washington misjudged President Trump during the primaries, they were utterly wrong during the election campaign, and now .... only 3 weeks into the Presidency .... they are still in denial on how his policies and strategy got him to where he is today. If there is a weakness in President Trump .... it is in the Republican establishment and Congress. They despise him .... and they are also (in their minds) vulnerable to negative media coverage. They are the only ones who can stop his agenda .... and in the end they may be the ones who will succeed in doing so .... and not the media/Democrats/progressive groups/etc..


fred said...

Why blame the opposition party for selecting an inner circle of people with obvious flaws, questionable backgrounds, lack of experience for jobs that need filling? Blame the guy who wrote the message, his messengers, and not the onlookers. If all was ok, the babble of the media and the opposition party would be meaningless and have no impact.

fred said...

What exactly is it that Trump has done in the past 3 weeks but undone or tried to undo that which Obama had done. Health care: promised to dump it but has not. Wall promised: nothing so far but reports that it will cost double what Trump said and Mexico has stated it will not pay for it. China policy: said one thing to Taiwan and now reversed that. US embassy to be moved to Jerusalem. Not signs of this happening.Passed a law for banning certain immigrants and that has been turned down by the courts. I am perfectly willing to give him a chance. It is after all but three weeks in office. But from all reports much is in disarray and the transition has not gone smoothly at all

War News Updates Editor said...

But that is the problem Fred. The babble of the media has been ineffective because they .... like Trump's opponents .... do not understand his base of support, and in regards to his policies .... cannot relate to it nor are they interested in understanding why it appeals to so many people. The media and the opposition's focus is on personalities, messaging, image, and perception .... but in regards to policies, ideas, and let us have a debate on different opinions .... nope .... what we hear our shouts of racism, intolerance, and shut-downs.

There is a lot that I disagree with when it comes to the Trump administration .... expanding war operations, bigger budget deficits, a foreign policy direction that I feel very uncomfortable with .... but when I hear the other side ... OMG!!!! .... some of them have jumped the shark.

War News Updates Editor said...

Fred .... it is all about tempo and direction .... and the U.S. is now clearly going in a different direction .... this is why the protests are growing .... they all know what is coming down. A Supreme Court Justice nominee. Obamacare is being gutted .... the final version will be up to Congress. The U.S. will have border restrictions and controls, and some version of the wall will be built. The regulatory system of the U.S. government is being changed .... from the environment to banking/finance. Tax proposals to be forwarded in the coming weeks. I can go and on .... and yes .... I have lost count on what is coming down the pipeline.

kidd said...

If a waz trump I will declare marshal law 4 100 days

kidd said...

There trying to let him have it

kidd said...

Inside job false flag

Jay Farquharson said...

As fred points out, Trump's first 3 weeks have seen nothing but major reversals and flails,

By this point in time in his first term, Obama had 4 major bills passed.

While Trump has issued his ACA "repeal and replace" EO, there is no replace. The Republican's have had 7 years to craft an alternate plan, and have gotten nowhere. Now that the Deplorables have finally figured out that the Obamacare they hate, is the same ACA that keeps them alive, Republican House and Senate members are having to hide from their constituents.

And pharma and the insurance companies havn't come out swinging yet.

Having issued an EO that violates even the "Schoolhouse Rock", grade 3 level civic's lessons,

Trump and the three Republican Parties are going to run into that sticky little problem of legislating and Organizational inertia.