New York Post: Trump doesn’t shake hands with Merkel during photo op
President Trump did not extend his hand to shake German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s in a Friday Oval Office photo op, a courtesy he usually extends to foreign leaders visiting the white House.
Trump sat next to Merkel in front of a fireplace for the brief photo-op.
“Very good,” Trump said to assembled reporters when asked about what the two leaders discussed. “Lots of things.”
“Very good, thanks,” Merkel said in German.
But Trump hardly looked at Merkel and, when the photo op ended, didn’t move in for a handshake.
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WNU Editor: President Trump looked tired and focused elsewhere .... this is not the first time that I have seen him like this. At least he did not do what Russian President Putin once did when he met Merkel in Moscow .... Vladimir Putin: I didn't mean to scare Angela Merkel with my dog (CNN).
He insulted her, no matter what you may think of her. He has by his presidency so far begun to make her the leader of the free world. Europe will survive and Germany is doing ok. The consensus of news sources I have seen say that he was an oaf at this important meeting
Ha ha, Germany doing OK? I live in Sweden and she has destroyed both her own country and ours.
He looks frazzled, maybe out of his depth in the talks and he got schooled.
he read from prepared script and seemed a schoolboy hardly able to read
he was rude in not shaking hands
he went on tirade about being spied upon by previous president
he made lame joke about Merkel being spied upon
all in all: D performance
Destroyed,yeah? Wow.. that's terrible.. hyperbole much? ;)
Come and see for yourself. Most rapes per capita in Europe and extreme polarization of society. Extreme rightwing party Swedish democrats have 20% popularity in ratings (among ethnic swedes much more).
I've studied body language before as part of a course I took.
Trump looking tired and focused elsewhere?
He didn't shake hands out of his own principles, not because of fatigue or loss of focus. He is shaking his head at 03 seconds in at the notion of someone shouting "handshake, handshake..."
It is very refreshing to say the least to see someone not being forced to shake someones handshake just because political protocol calls for it.
As much as I dislike Trump (and I very much do, he has a lot of visually apparent flaws, personality flaws, nor did I like Clinton) I am fully supportive of his choice here in refusing to shake someones hand. There is no point in shaking someones hand if it means nothing, and if its all for show. I wouldn't do it out of principle.
Fair play to Trump!
If I read the picture right, Merkel was interested in getting something.
That is Trump is in a better negotiating position. You can pick apart this picture like the famous Yalta picture. Except that Herr Merkel is technically a woman, she might as well have a hat in her hand covering her private parts.
"He doesn't respect her, she's an idiot who has ruined Europe"
Turfy77 is correct.
Fred Lapides if he is real is whistling past the graveyard.
You know that the legal definition of rape was widened recently, yeah? Also stats don't back your claim:
The legal definition of rape in Sweden is described in chapter 6 in the Swedish Penal Code.[1] Historically, rape has been defined as forced sexual intercourse initiated against a woman or man by one or several people, without her/his consent.[2] In recent years, several revisions to the definition of rape have been made in Swedish law,[3] to now not only include intercourse, but comparable sexual acts initiated against someone passive—incapable of giving consent—because they are in a vulnerable situation, such as a state of fear or unconsciousness.[4]
In 2014, there were 6,700 rapes reported to the Swedish police—or 69 cases per 100,000 population—according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (BRÅ), which is an 11 percent increase from the previous year.[5] In 2015, the number of reported rapes declined 12%, to 5920 (although reported exposure to sexual offenses in the Swedish Crime Survey rose by 70% that same year).[6] The number of convictions has remained relatively unchanged since 2005, with approximately 190 convictions on average each year.[7
Merkel is the epitome of an experienced and educated political leader. ..she saw 3 US presidents come and go while she was Chancellor ...So she knows how to "make great deals" oh and she holds a phd in physics. ..And Trump can barely read of a teleprompter... of course those two won't like each other. .one is the epitome of education and reasoning (and having a good heart @ refugees) and the other is someone with fake tan, fake teeth, bad comb over and uses scotch tape for his ties..
Agree.. she's an incredibly experienced leader. of the most influential in the world and holds her office for what, nearly 2 decades now? What can Trump really bring to a discussion other than Breitbart news? He's quickly becoming the laughing stock of the political world
Did you get a nice certificate for your local community evening school course? :)
Merkel is an idiot. Having a PHD and education doesn't exclude you from that pool. The notion that she is a 'wonderful experienced leader' just because of that is idiotic. Most career politicians come from a privileged educational background, so the point is moot.
She is failing in the polls. Her own country is lambasting her for offering money to refugees to leave her country. She is ineffectual as a leader. Trump not wanting to shake her hands is sending out a message that he refuses to shake the hands of a woman who destroyed her own country and who made no attempt to disguise the fact that she didn't like Trump.
She has been serving three terms already and still has 55% approval rating - that's after the terrorism attacks she was blamed for. .please inform yourself
Haha that is brutal :D if Merkel feels that was on purpose she won't forget. But I honestly don't think it matters much. Trump already lost so much political capital, he'll be a lame duck president for his entire term. Aside from the 1-2 wars he'll stumble in and people will rally around him during the first months of these traditional US past time sports...
55%... Sure. Polls and surveys said Clinton was going to easily win. How did that turn out.
So how much faith do you put in your little 55%? A lot I'd imagine.
Then your just another fool.
Jabber is just upset that that he is not in Tahiti with Bathhouse.
Drip, drip, drip.
You are just pissed off that MAGA has become the punchline to the World's Greatest Physical comedy,
That your Momma's losing Meals on Wheels,
And the WhiteHouse and CBO are arguing over how many years younger you are gonna die due to TrumpCare.
32,000(CBO) to 54,000(WhiteSupremacyHouse) less Trump voters every year.
It's a good thing!
Come to Sweden or Germany and get raped for yourself. Now times it is a lot of gang rapes of young men here in Sweden (A nice afghan practise we have imported). There are 3 types of lies, statistics, statitics and lies).
He is as fake as his texts
Maybe Jay has been raped and that is why he fled the big city and/or got divorced.
So Jabber sits high in a mountain valley as deep in the hinterland as you can go, away for the hustle and bustle of a metropolitan area, casting stones.
Jay could only take one further step and move a little higher to an alpine meadow to flee the city. He is about as far in the Hinterlands as a coward can get.
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