Tuesday, March 21, 2017

This Is How Russia And China Will Sink A U.S. Aircraft Carrier

Top to bottom: USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63) alongside Nimitz class carriers USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) & USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76). Pinterest

Robert Farley, Scout Warrior: 5 Ways Russia & China Could Sink a US Carrier

For nearly as long as carriers have existed, navies have developed plans to defeat them. The details of these plans have changed over time, but the principles remain the same.

Aircraft carriers have been the primary capital ship of naval combat since the 1940s, and remain the currency of modern naval power. But for nearly as long as carriers have existed, navies have developed plans to defeat them. The details of these plans have changed over time, but the principles remain the same. And some have argued that the balance of military technology is shifting irrevocably away from the carrier [3], driven primarily by Chinese and Russian innovation.
So let’s say you want to kill an aircraft carrier. How would you go about it?

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WNU Editor: A tactical nuclear strike would also be another method that can be used to destroy an aircraft carrier .... plus its strike group.


Dave Goldstein said...

A small nuke hit on a aircraft carrier group will end the world as we know it.

RussInSoCal said...

It'd be difficult to wipe out an entire CG with one nuke. The ships - when operating at sea - are separated by hundreds of miles. Not tightly grouped like the photos we see all the time. a CG can monitor and control an area of ocean about the size of Texas.

TWN said...

The Carrier, like Horse Cavalry, the Battleship before them are past their best before date. The same type of arguments will be used to defend the Carriers continued use, as was used back in the 1930's, for the Cavalry and Battleship, but reality will rear it's ugly head once the War begins. The Carrier in it's defense is ideal when used to pound small backward countries that have resources we want, or for Regime or Policy Change, but when the big war starts, all Navies will be sunk or driven to port in very short order, until those ports are Nuked. Unless of course they can figure out how to stop 100% of the Anti Ship and Anti Area Weapon Systems, I wont hang by my balls waiting for that.

Turfy77 said...

Sinking an aircraft carrier is a green light for the US to counter strike that country with nuclear weapons, not sure if any country would want to try it unless nuclear war had already started