Tuesday, April 11, 2017

U.S. Secretary of State Tillerson: Russia Must Choose Between Assad Or The US

New York Times: Russia Risks Irrelevance in Mideast With Syria Policy, Rex Tillerson Warns

LUCCA, Italy — Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson said on Tuesday that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia must end his alliance with the government of Syria, and that the reign of that country’s leader, President Bashar al-Assad, was “coming to an end.”

Mr. Tillerson, in comments just before he headed to Moscow for a high-stakes summit meeting, said that Russia risked becoming irrelevant in the Middle East.

“Russia can be a part of that future and play an important role,” Mr. Tillerson said at a Group of 7 meeting in Lucca, Italy. “Or Russia can maintain its alliance with this group, which we believe is not going to serve Russia’s interests longer term.”

Then, in a preview of his coming meetings in Moscow, he added, “Only Russia can answer that question.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This visit is going to end up with relations between Russia and the West .... specifically Russia's relationship with the U.S. .... in the toilet. There has been no preparations for this visit. No agreement on the details to be discussed and agreed upon. Instead .... both sides are going to sit down and rehash their positions .... while criticising the other. But issuing an ultimatum to Russia .... that is going to guarantee one thing .... a big NYET! When Russia made the decision to directly intervene in Syria two years ago I said in this blog and elsewhere that it was a mistake .... there are going to be repercussions down the road that are not going to be in Russia's long term strategic interests. I paid with this position by being criticised from my many friends in Russia. Today .... unfortunately .... I feel vindicated.

More News On U.S. Secretary of State Tillerson

Russia must choose between Assad and the US -- AP
Tillerson carries Syria stance to Moscow as Trump administration speaks for West -- Reuters
Tillerson issues ultimatum to Russia after meeting with top diplomats at G7 summit -- FOX News
Tillerson Says Russia Should Give Up ‘Unreliable Partner’ Assad -- Bloomberg
Top issues on the table as Tillerson heads to Moscow amid escalating war of words -- ABC News
Tillerson heads to Moscow amid strained relations with Russia -- CBS
Tillerson faces tough talks in Moscow amid increased tensions -- Reuters
Tillerson readies for tough talk with Russia -- Politico
Tillerson’s Tough Russia Visit Is Not the Meeting Either Side Planned: Analysis -- NBC


jimbrown said...

I agreed with you. Putin has some wiggle room now to extract himself from his unholy alliance. This is the first direct meeting post Trump win. Let's hope there is a secret agenda separate from the public rhetoric.

D.Plowman said...

He lost that wiggle room and the window of opportunity.

Now, Putin will look weak if he backs down due to mounting pressure. And for a Russian President who likes to be shown as 'strong' and 'masculine' in the many photo-ops that he gets done, yeah... There won't be a public backing down.

There might be some agreement behind doors however, but I don't think thats going to happen anytime soon.

War News Updates Editor said...

I hope you are right D. Plowman about agreement behind doors.

Andrew Jackson said...

The Putlerite filth must be annihilated!

Anonymous said...

More Hitler references. All you do when you make these ridiculous comparisons to Hitler is to minimize what he did and dishonor his victims. Intellectual laziness at its worst. What are you proposing, innihilating 90 percent of life on this planet because you buy the media's constant anti-russian propaganda? Maybe you should change your moniker from Andrew Jackson to John McCain.

Jay Farquharson said...

" When Russia made the decision to directly intervene in Syria two years ago I said in this blog and elsewhere that it was a mistake .... there are going to be repercussions down the road that are not going to be in Russia's long term strategic interests. I paid with this position by being criticised from my many friends in Russia. Today .... unfortunately .... I feel vindicated."

Since 1991, Russia has watched the US "use" the carrot, ( trade deals, arms deals, "better" relations) and stick, ( sanctions) in "diplomacy".

From Albania to Zimbabwe, "reforms" have never been enough for anybody with a history of conflict with the US, to "earn" a carrot, the best anybody's ever gotten is the US lifting one "stick", while laying down another, ( eg. Iran).

During the same timeframe, there is nothing a US "ally" can do, ( Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, etc), to lose US support.

The US started playing the "zero sum" game when they became in their minds, the only Global Superpower, a believed they would remain that forever.

The only way to "win" in a zero sum game, is not to play.

Young Communist said...

This is not a matter on the opportunity or not for Russia to intervene in Syria, after Maidan Putin has well understand the real finality of Washington.