Thursday, May 4, 2017

Does Russia Have A “Mystery Weapon” That Threatens The Entire U.S. Navy?

VOA: Russian Mystery Weapon Claim Seen as Sign of Military Weakness

WASHINGTON — Does Russia have a “mystery weapon” capable of threatening the entire U.S. Navy?

Russian media have claimed that the Russian military has developed technology capable of neutralizing an adversary’s aircraft, ships and missiles within a 5,000-kilometer radius. The claim, first reported by Vesti News on April 14, said a Russian warplane had successfully tested the electronic jamming device on a U.S. warship, the destroyer Donald Cook in the Black Sea.

The report, which used a mock-up simulation to demonstrate the exercise, also quoted anonymous Russian sources claiming the technology could wipe out the entire U.S. Navy.

Read more ....

WNU editor: This story has been making the rounds for a long time .... Russia Claims To Have An 'Electronic Bomb' That Can Disable The US Navy's Electronics (April 19, 2017).


fazman said...

The russian pilot activated it once he realised he was detected. ?
He was 300 metres away!!!!.
Obvious nonsical story, everyone knows aquaman is American and HE controls the ocean.

Anonymous said...

That's true, fazman. I met him once.. cool dude.

Caecus said...


Anonymous said...

Oh man. .I heard bposter was ordered to Moscow for not being an efficient enough propaganda poster..sniff..

fazman said...

Hes been quiet lately, probably sent to the black dolphin for getting owned lol

Anonymous said...

Shot and his family billed for the bullets.

Anonymous said...

A bit too far, other anonymous

B.Poster said...

I suppose the only way to "know" for certain whether such a weapon exists or not would be to go hot war. Maybe we need a new Cold War with Russia. Maybe need a shooting war with Russia. We had better be very circumspect about this and not rashly rush into something of this magnitude. At present, I don't see anything worth this right now and America has to many pressing issues of its own to deal with right now to be able to prosecute something like this effectively. Certainly the chumps in Eastern Ukraine and Eastern Europe are not worth the risk to America, American lives, American property, or American interests in general that would be lost as a result of such an endeavor. If they are worth this, they best begin explaining how and why to the American people.

Anon # 2,

These are very serious issues. Very respectfully, to liken this to a cartoon character seems inappropriate and is perhaps indicative of someone who perhaps may not be in touch with reality.

Anon # 3,

I have not taken a pro Russian position on this website or anywhere else. What I have done is advocate a studious approach to this and other issues. You would know this had you read my posts in their entirety. Very respectfully please read the posts in the entirety before commenting, read the articles posted by the editor, and then reread to make sure you don't miss something.

For you to make jokes about someone being shot seems rather heartless and cruel. Perhaps you are enjoying the good life to much and don't appreciate the suffering others often endure. People often really do get shot for not being the proper subject to a government. For you to joke about this is actual beyond cruel and heartless.


The same generally applies to you as well as to anon # 3, however, in your case I think you generally read the articles but your analysis, while I often agree with you, seems superficial at times. I'd suggest reading and cross reading from multiple sources. Not sure what you mean by being "owned." If the failure to respond superficial statements and often times blatantly false statements and not wasting time with cute remarks is being "owned" the perhaps you are right.

While I'm inclined to believe this weapon likely does not exist yet, it should be investigated thoroughly. Unfortunately it probably will not be at least not by the so called US and "Western" experts. A carefully cultivated myth of the US being some sort of super power/hyper power that is 10 feet tall and invincible and has been cultivated. The US military is none o these things, however, the top brass don't want to hear this. I've discussed the phenomena here and elsewhere numerous times.

Again, I'm inclined to believe this weapon does not exist yet I'm pretty sure the Russians are working on something like this and given Russian proficiency with technology I would think something like this would be very achievable for them. With that said the various officials and experts quoted seem way to quick to dismiss this as false without even a cursory analysis. when someone protests in this manner, I'm reminded of the line "thou doest protest much." As such, they may well be hiding the fact that this weapon does, in fact, exist. Furthermore such people don't exactly have a stellar track record. If it existed, I don't think even they would be able to keep it a secret but they would have powerful incentives to do so. "Group think" often must be maintained at any cost and the very nature of the US government often times makes matters worse. This definitely does seem like something Congress should investigate thoroughly and other "western" governments should as well.

B.Poster said...

The reason I have been "quite" lately is because I have been very busy with family and work related matters and generally do not comment on something unless I have had time to read at least the main article posted by the editor, have had a chance to study the issue in question from multiple sources, and have the time to be able to post a reasoned response. Furthermore I generally don't like to waste time with people who appear to be non serious.

War News Updates Editor said...

I was wondering what happened to you B. Poster. Now I know. I am glad to see that you are back to "stir the pot" a bit.

fazman said...

Just funning buddy, l trwad the articles thoroghly and have had an intrest in all things military for 40 years, but either dont have time or see the nessisity for a 300 word analytical post, but just prefer to cut to my opinion without validating my reasoning., so sometimes my bad.
B.Poster l see you as that kid in my class who l used to poke until l get a kick under the table.
In other words youve been missed!:)

fazman said...

Just funning buddy, l trwad the articles thoroghly and have had an intrest in all things military for 40 years, but either dont have time or see the nessisity for a 300 word analytical post, but just prefer to cut to my opinion without validating my reasoning., so sometimes my bad.
B.Poster l see you as that kid in my class who l used to poke until l get a kick under the table.
In other words youve been missed!:)