Thursday, May 18, 2017

Iraqi Journalist's Life Is Saved When His GoPro Deflects A Sniper's Bullet

Task & Purpose: Watch An Iraqi Journalist’s GoPro Deflect An ISIS Sniper’s Bullet In Mosul

When Iraqi journalist Ammar Alwaely decided to cover the U.S.-led coalition’s bloody siege of ISIS-occupied Mosul, he surely knew the risks. But Alwaely probably didn’t know how close he’d come to death — or that his camera would save his life.

On May 13, Alwaely was filming on the streets of Mosul when an ISIS sniper reportedly took a shot at him. Instead of killing him, the round deflected off of the compact GoPro camera affixed to his flak jacket, according to The Sun.

The whole incident was captured on video by Owen Holdaway, a journalist for The Sun:

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WNU Editor: Wow .... that is a close call. Here is another close call .... Iraqi soldier 'saves his squad by driving a bulldozer into an ISIS suicide car bomb, forcing it to explode... but incredibly survives' (Daily Mail).


Hans Persson said...

Jeeez all these clickbaits.. I would strongly argue that this "sniper" missed his target, hitting the GoPro instead. Wake up editor ;)

War News Updates Editor said...

Hans, this is why I love reading the comments for this blog. Everyday my readers provide proof on how naive and gullible my view of the world really is. :)

"Sebastian" said...

Everyone makes mistakes, thats what makes US human.

Have a nice weekend!

Matthew Putnam said...

The Gopro took a direct hit on its left side; clearing its user completely. If anything, the direct hit could have been a reflection into the user and rendered a casualty.

fazman said...

Missed?, it shattered the go pro. !

fazman said...

Missed?, it shattered the go pro. !