US President Donald Trump prepares to give a speech during the panel discussion "Launch Event Women's Entrepreneur Finance Initiative" on the second day of the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany, July 8, 2017. REUTERS/PATRIK STOLLARZ
Jonathan Easley and Jordan Fabian, The Hill: 5 takeaways from Trump's dramatic weekend with world leaders
The gathering of the group of 20 industrialized nations concluded on Saturday amid violent protests in Hamburg, Germany.
President Trump returns home with his supporters believing he has made a lasting statement about the U.S. role in the world and how he intends to govern at home.
Critics see an increasingly isolated U.S. and a president who’s desperate to form a bond with Russian President Vladimir Putin, a longtime American adversary.
Here are five takeaways from an explosive weekend of meetings with world leaders.
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WNU Editor: His focus on what is good for the U.S. is the main takeaway that I got from his attendance at the G20.
1) "Trump seeks strategic partnership with Russia"
2) "U.S. isolation on full display"
Those 2 statements a contradictory; they display liberal cognitive dissonance.
The Paris agreement is bad policy. America should not follow the herd off the cliff.
I see, so trying to come to a cease-fire agreement in Syria (that no one seriously believes in) negates everything else. OK.
I'm sorry but the my way or the highway policies of the US are not going to work anymore. Global warming is not political, it's a fact.
AGW forecasting has not been good at all.
Studies have not been replicated. There little things like not keeping the random seed used for the simulations.
Then there is the problem of coal power plant capacity.
The warmunists warned (or was it threatened) that of we did not cut down on the quantity of coal plants we were doomed. The West cut down on the # of coal plants. China, India and others raised the ante. See the link below
China keeps opening coal plants. What is up with that? The West could cease coal plant operation and CO2 generation by coal plants would still grow.
The warmunists have told us that means the end of the world. No one is really acting like it. I cry foul.
They promised 6 foot sea level rise. Not seeing it so far after 27 or so years. Maybe it is all slated to happen in 2100?
Busy day
Who promised that. Source plz
IPCC promised 6 foot on the outside. Look it up.
Here is what you need to do.
- Take 2 semesters of calculus.
- Take two semester of calculus based statistics.
- Follow up with course in stochastic processes.
- Add a course in simulation / modeling.
Then you can understand what Michael Mann did or did not prove.
The alternate method is to pick you techno-shaman. Make sure to follow all the rituals and espouse the dogmas to the T.
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