Saturday, July 15, 2017

A Glimpse Into What War With Kim Jong-un's North Korean Military Would Look Like

Sydney Morning Herald: North Korea: a terrifying glimpse into what war with Kim Jong-un's military would look like

As many as 64,000 could die in the first three hours of a war unlike any seen in generations, perhaps ever.

Robert Kelly is an American living in South Korea. As is well known to the more than 25 million viewers who've watched the hilarious video of his children bursting into his BBC interview, the Korea expert has a young family.

While Kelly is sceptical that tensions over North Korea's nuclear program will lead to war, he and his wife regularly discuss what they will do if there is an attack by the North on Busan, where Kelly teaches at the city's university.

"With a young family I take it seriously and my wife and I talk about it whenever these things pop up – what to do, where to go, what to pack," he said.

Busan in the south would be in range of the North's ballistic missiles, including nukes. The THAAD shield system might stop some of them but not all.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: No one doubts that in any hypothetical major conflict on the Korean peninsula the causalities rates will be astronomical .... and in turn the hope is that this realisation is more than enough to dissuade all parties from starting a war. But North Korea has always been a special case .... and with cause. They have a long history of provocations .... and one day a provocation may just be enough to literally explode the entire peninsula into war.


Stephen Davenport said...

The casualties would be high but in the end the South would win through superior training and equipment. IMO

Administrator said...

Is it worth it to win a war with such casualties? In my opinion everyone would be a loser regardless of who wins. And it won't be a war between the South and the North alone, that much we all know.

fazman said...

This casualty figure has long been debunked, fails to take into account counter battery fire, equipment and ammo failure rate, poor training of nork crews, and the fact that most of their artillery cant hit seoul let alone level it.
We havent even got to the part where sth koreans and u.s will not be standing in the open enjoying the pyrotechnics display.
After the first hour the nork artilley becomes less effective by the hour.
Shocking casualties for sure but this article shows no understanding to the norks limitation to project a sustained assault.

Anonymous said...

"Is it worth it to win a war with such casualties?"

Is it better to lose? Obviously, it is best to avoid a war, but what if it cannot be avoided? Philosopical arguments certainly won't matter.

Jay Farquharson said...

The NORK's are only going to go to war if they are attacked, or if they believe that the US is going to attack them.

They refuse to die like Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Mali, etc.

The question is, when will the US attack?

Before the NORK's can "share the pain" with the US,

Or after?

Si-vis-pasen- said...

I put my money that the Trump administration is going to use some kind of military operation to disable rocket fuel factory's entrance to some caves. tactical denial bombing staff.
Maybe the military planning in the Pentagon would gamble with the fat man on what he may be able to do.
And let the cheeps fall were they might.
Fat man already have said that their nuclear weapons program is not negotiable .

Jay Farquharson said...

Il Douche won't risk any real harm to his Trump Tower Pongyang Project.

fazman said...

Those military strength comparison charts are junk for mom to read over pancakes in the morning.
A soldier is not a soldier a tank is not a tank.

Unknown said...

"They refuse to die like Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Mali, etc."

A) Someone left out Afghanistan. Brain Freeze or something else.

B) Someone does not recount that Somalia started out as a UN "Meals on Wheels" until the Habar Gidir clan started using food as a weapon. By the time of the UN food aid came, Somalia was already a failed a state

"The Somali Civil War is an armed conflict in Somalia that started in 1991, following the overthrow of the dictator, Siad Barre."

The Liberal response was so horrible that when liberals like Clooney said we needed to go into Sudan & helped Darfur, he was told to STFU.

The Yemen civil War was all Yemeni. During the Arab Spring the Yemenis protested against

"Even before the “Arab Spring” began in Yemen, the Yemini government was faced with serious challenges to its legitimacy, to wit: the Huthi rebellion in the north, the secessionist movement in the south (“The Free South movement,” al-janub al-hurr, sometimes called al-Hirak), and al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)."

"Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh was the fourth Arab leader to be forced from power. Demonstrations calling for the end of his 33-year rule began in January 2011."

Mali was coalition of Tuareg & Islamicists. The West does not control either of those.

Iraq should not have invaded Kuwait. be Jay has heartburn that we kicked Iraq out of Kuwaitf so, he should fess up. He should confess.

fazman said...


Jay Farquharson said...


Iran, Russia, China and the NORK's are ltfao at the US and 'Murkin's.

So much for Trump,


Unknown said...

"The Gulf War in Retrospect" - Foreign Policy

I do not think the originally linkee read the article.

George H.W. Bush did not have a 'mandate' to invade Iraq. He had coalition partners like Syria that would have fractured and split off from the coalition if he had invaded Iraq.

George H.W. Bush for all his good points was a North eastern liberal. He did not support the Shia uprising. Who would have who was a 'so called conservative' or a liberal in Europe or America? Only someone Jay would derisively call "Murkin".

In the book store many moons ago I saw a book about illness and leaders and the effect on history. I wish I would have bought it. Instead I bought one written by a Mongolian academic, who thought Genghis Khan was great, conquering China was awesome and how raiding one's neighbors was peachy. The books premise was that illness affects decision making. George H.W. Bush had Grave's disease around 1991. Add that to what Bush would not have done at Nashua and you can see why Iraq was not invaded. that and you had political princes born with a proverbial silver spoon in their mouth like the 'Lion of the Senate', who would have raised Hell on the home front.

You know the Lion who was butt naked in public. There is a nice picture of his lily white ___ that reporters took. (As an aside: But what to do? That guy's family was always hard on women.)

fazman said...

I think you misunderstand my intent. Im not talking about justification of war, lm talking about thr pentagon super computers , politicans and every tetired general and admiral predicting 20 to 50, 000 combat coalition casualties based on study of iraqs equipment, manpowrt and combat record.
The end result was in the low hundreds. Im not saying Nth Korea is the same but the mrssage is very similar.

fazman said...

True but sure as hell not 64000 in hours.