Friday, July 7, 2017

Analysing Trump And Putin's Body Language At G20 Meeting (Video)

U.S. President Donald Trump shakes hands with Russia's President Vladimir Putin during their bilateral meeting at the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany July 7, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Barria

WNU Editor: From the BBC .... It's the first time the two presidents have met - so what did their body language tell us about how it went? Expert Mary Civiello breaks down three key moves. You have to go to the BBC link to see her video (the link is here). I agree with her analysis .... unfortunately she does not analyse the end of the meeting. From my viewpoint .... when the meeting was over and from what i saw .... Trump was Trump (with a slightly more serious look) .... but Putin's body language was completely different. He was more relaxed, definitely more focused and energised. Darn .... I wish I was a fly in that room when they were talking.

Hat tip to Fred for this link.


fred said...

Having been impressed by that link, I suddenly had this thought. It is a guess, for what it is worth.
Putin has always been late at meetings with global leaders to assert dominance. In those meetings, his body language too has asserted dominance. What if, then, he purposely knew all would be watching the body languages so he shows up on time and settles back to let it seem that Trump is dominant. Puting does not worry about the home folks.Trump has to. Putin knows what he wants from the meeting. Not sure if Trump did or if he mainly knew he had to try to get rid of the claims Russia helped him to the White House. Ok. Putin lets Trump appear dominant.Putin shows up on time. Trump asks about election inteference. Puting says it did not happen. Putin says What Evidence? Trump does not tell about our intel but instead says Let our Intel tell you.

Turfy77 said...

Putin doesn't need to prove anything to anybody, everybody knows he's a bad ass.