Sunday, July 30, 2017

Apple Has Just Removed VPN Apps In Its Store That Allowed Users In China To Skirt The Country's Great Firewall

Reuters: Apple is removing VPN services from China App Store: providers

BEIJING (Reuters) - Apple Inc (AAPL.O) is removing virtual private network (VPN) services from its app store in China, VPN service providers said on Saturday, accusing the U.S. tech giant of bowing to pressure from Beijing to comply with stringent cyberspace regulations.

VPNs allow users to bypass China's so-called "Great Firewall" aimed at restricting access to overseas sites.

Beijing has shut down dozens of China-based providers and it has been targeting overseas services as it bids to tighten its control over the internet, especially ahead of the Communist Party congress in August.

VPN provider ExpressVPN said on Saturday that it had received a notice from Apple that its software would be removed from the China App Store "because it includes content that is illegal in China".

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WNU Editor: Crap. Some of my Chinese friends rely on these Apple apps to communicate with the outside world.

More News On Apple Removing VPN Apps From Its Store That Allowed Users in China To Skirt The Country's Great Firewall

Apple Removes Apps From China Store That Help Internet Users Evade Censorship -- NYT
Apple Accused of Bowing to Chinese Censors -- VOA
Apple is removing VPN apps that allow users to skirt China's Great Firewall -- CNN
Apple Removes Apps That Allowed China Users to Get Around Filters -- WSJ
Apple pulls VPN apps from Chinese App Store in compliance with government crackdown -- Apple Insider


Unknown said...

Who does Silicon Valley vote for?

TWN said...

What was it that Lenin, said something like, "the capitalists will sell us the rope we hang them with", Apple wants to do business in China, they don't care about the the people, it's all about the money, the Silicon Valley people are disgusting lot.

Anonymous said...

"the silicon valley people are disgusting lot".. now, really?

Have you ever been there? It's a very friendly, free-spirited community influenced by all sorts of people, typically very international and liberal (being strongly influenced by SF), typically pro women's and gays rights, pro-environment etc.. and they probably on average pay more taxes individually than you ever will. So, calling them a disgusting lot is quite a statement.

What have you done in your life to call them this? Are you the messiah, walking the Earth in harmony? lol

Unknown said...

"Apple Has Just Removed VPN Apps In Its Store That ...": " - me

""the silicon valley people are disgusting lot".. now, really?" - Anon

I'll let your words stand on their own. They really paint you quite well.