Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Arab Countries Modify Their Demands And Are Urging Qatar To Accept Six Broader 'Principles'

The National: Arab countries urge Qatar to accept six broader 'principles'

Diplomats from the four countries confirmed at the United Nations in New York that the six principles - which do not have a deadline - were the perimeters of any future talks.

The four Arab countries isolating Qatar say a broader set of six “principles” will set the perimeters of any future talks on ending the crisis.

This could indicate that the quartet is now more willing to engage in the mediation process led by Kuwait and backed by the United States, United Nations and European powers.

“Of course we are all for compromise, but there will be no compromise on these six principles,” said Abdallah Al Mouallimi, Saudi Arabia’s UN ambassador.

The six principles - which Qatar rejected as violating its sovereignty and mediators from the US and elsewhere criticised - was first announced in Cairo two weeks ago after the foreign ministers of the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Bahrain met there to determine their response to Doha’s rejection.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I expected last month that Qatar would cave-in to most of these demands in 2 or 3 months .... since the Arab bloc itself was not seriously impacted by these sanctions against Qatar, and they were well positioned to really put the screws to Qatar's financial institutions if they wanted. So why the change among the Arab bloc .... I suspect that it is because of pressure from other Arab states, and the U.S.. There are bigger issues at play right now in Syria and Iraq .... and in this context the Qatar crisis was/is an unwelcome diversion. What I am now curious about is .... will Qatar accept these six "broader principles". My gut says yes .... that US Secretary of State Tillerson's shuttle diplomacy last week on the Qatar crisis has already laid the ground work for an agreement, and it is just a question of time before it is publicly announced.

More News On The Qatar Crisis

Arab states back down from demands, urge Qatar to accept new principles -- AP
Saudi-led bloc modifies demands to end Qatar crisis -- Qatar
Countries That Broke Ties With Qatar Indicate Some Flexibility on Demands -- New York Times
Qatar Crisis: Saudi-led Coalition Drops 13 Demands to End the Boycott -- Haaretz
Gulf Countries Cut List of Demands for Qatar by Half, Revoke Deadlines -- Sputnik


Jay Farquharson said...

jimbrown said...

7th principle should worldwide agreement on correct pronunciation of its name.
Al jazeera is a play toy supporting their political religious beliefs. It failed in US as a business.

Jay Farquharson said...

B.Poster said...


thanks for the link. I will check this out time permitting. From the premise can Washington mitigate the death of the gulf states, I'd say this is a resounding no!! 1.)The US will have a difficult time mitigating its own death. Even if it were to stop playing with fire right now with regards to Russia and China, make nice with these powers, and start doing everything else right with regards to its foreign policy, economy, and government spending, etc, it's chances of survival as we know it over the next three to five years are nominal at best. To many bad decisions have been made over to long of a time. As such, "righting the ship" is unlikely at this point. At this point, the best case scenario for the US is a breakup into its constituent parts and perhaps if it acts with respect toward Russia, China, and other major powers they will allow the people of the former country known as the United States to live in peace. 2.) I had predicted in 2013 elsewhere that Saudi Arabia would be overthrown by the end of 2016. While this has not happened yet, the country appears to be very unstable and it appears to be not a question of "if" but "when" will this occur. As such, support for the current government seems unwise and selling them weapons as team Trump has proposed seems even less wise.

Unknown said...

Jay Farquharson said " "

He hid behind some comments

Jay Farquharson said...

Bert Bert said...

I've heard the root cause of action against Qatar had to do with Qatar selling oil in Yuan. Think there is any truth to that?

Bert Bert said...

Seems like a theat to the petrodollar.

Unknown said...

As Zerohedge frequently points out, reserve currency never lasts forever.

If the U.S. loses such status, when the Demoncats start printing money to carry out their wrongheaded policies massive inflation will result.

But the Demoncats will. That is all they do.