Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Did Donald Trump Jr. Commit Treason?

Newsweek: Donald Trump Jr. 'Treason' Emails Prove Russian Collusion: Tim Kaine

Senior lawmakers have said that Donald Trump Jr. may have committed a criminal offense for agreeing to meet a Russian lawyer who promised dirt on Hillary Clinton, and could even be guilty of treason.

Clinton’s running mate in the 2016 election, Senator Tim Kaine, told reporters: “The investigation—it's not, nothing is proven yet, but we're now beyond obstruction of justice in terms of what's being investigated. This is moving into perjury, false statements and even potentially treason."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Donald Trump Jr. agrees to take a meeting with someone who claims that Hillary Clinton is getting help from Russia .... and leaves the meeting after 20 minutes with nothing ..... no quid pro quo ..... but is now being accused of treason!!!!! .... Kaine: Trump Jr. may have committed treason (CNN). So now it is a crime to talk to someone from a foreign country during a campaign?!?!?! But as the day progressed yesterday the media coverage of this story got worse .... best exemplified by yesterday's CNN coverage where for the entire day they basically had a banner claiming that Trump Jr. colluded with the Russians for intel on the Clintons. And even though nothing was exchanged between Trump Kr. and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya .... it did not stop the cable news outlets with their overloaded panels to debate and repeat amongst themselves that this is a crime. Words escape me .... and this story does not even involve President Trump!!!!!

Am I the one who is losing my mind? Or am I the one who can see in a world where everyone is blind?

Oh well .... it never stopped me before.

After 9 months they have nothing .... from Russian hacking the election, to collusion, to now hints of collusion .... the media/Democrats/and never-Trumpers .... their over the top reaction on this story only reinforces what I have been saying for the past few months .... everything that they have claimed, written about, and talked abut for 9 months is now dormant or dead .... in short .... they have nothing .... and they know it. So they wrap themselves around this story and repeat what they have been saying for 9 months .... this is the end of President Trump. But it is not the end of President Trump .... not even close. And as an outsider looking in ... I cannot help but notice that what is driving the media/Democrats/and never-Trumpers in the Republican Party beyond crazy right now is that President Trump's support among Republicans is as strong as it was on election day .... if not even more stronger and more dedicated.

A few months ago I made the comment that this is going to get worse .... well .... we are there now. It is getting worse because the entire media narrative on Russia-Gate can only change so much .... and we are getting there now. I expect in the coming weeks the media will become more shrill and over the top in their reaction to the entire Russia-Gate story .... and it will reach a crescendo when Donald Trump Jr. is called to Senate and Congress to explain what happened, and where I predict he will probably be repeating and saying the same thing that he said last night on Sean Hannity (link here). After that .... the only thing they (i.e. the media) will have left will be the expectation (or hope) that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team will be leaking information to them as their investigation continues .... which I predict will also happen .... Special counsel Mueller wants to see Don Jr.'s emails, joining senate Intelligence panel members who want to bring him in to testify (Daily Mail)

Here is a short list of the main stream media and other media sources coverage of this story .... and here is an easy prediction from me .... this story (like all the rest) will be a non-story in the next few weeks ....

President says Donald Trump Jr. is ‘open, transparent and innocent’ -- Washington post
Trump defends embattled son, calls Russia controversy a 'witch hunt' -- CNN
Trump defends son after disclosure of Russian emails -- AP
Trump says son is 'innocent' over emails about Russian campaign help -- Reuters
As Russia scandal touches his son, Trump privately rages -- AP
The Wall Begins to Crumble: Notes on Collusion: Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer is looking fishier and fishier. -- Benjamin Wittes, Quinta Jurecic and Jane Chong, Foreign Policy
Russian Oligarch Who Plotted to Aid Trump Was Named in Private Intelligence Dossier -- The Intercept
Donald Trump Jr.’s emails put spotlight on publicist Rob Goldstone -- The Australian
Did Trump Jr. Break Laws When He Met Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya? -- NBC
Trump Jr.'s Russia emails could trigger probe under election law -- Reuters
Why Donald Trump's Russia Denials Can No Longer Be Believed -- The Atlantic
Donald Trump Jr.'s latest email explanation to Sean Hannity doesn't make any sense -- CNN
Inside the White House scramble on the Trump Jr. emails -- Axios
Among Trump associates, concern and frustration over Donald Jr. crisis -- Reuters
Republicans Split on Whether to Back or Condemn Trump Jr.'s Russia Meeting -- Newsweek
Congressional GOP shrugs off latest Trump-Russia twist -- AP
Donald Trump Jr. is an idiot -- New York Post editorial

Hat tip to Fred, Richard, Sandra, and Robert for some of the above links.


fred said...

first there was smoke. now there is fire. For me, the big question is who gave NY Times the info on Trump Jr meeting with lady lawyer. Now you can dismiss the entire story as worthless, and I can respect your point of view, but still: someone had to pass on that info and clearly it had to be someone very close to the top of the Trump camp. I had read that Trump's lawyer suspects Jared but of course no real evidence at this point. Someone, seemingly, out to cause a ripple or two, and that ripple is now expanding into a rip tide.

Jay Farquharson said...


It shall be unlawful for—

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election …

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) … from a foreign national.

US Criminal Code 52, Section 301121.

What part of "it's illegal to engage in ratfucking an election in collusion with Foreign National's" is so hard for Republican's and Conservatives to not understand?

They colluded with the Nazi's in 1940,

The Taiwanese and South Vietnam in 1968, killing 58,000 American Servicemen and millions of South East Asians in the aftermath,

The Iranian Mullah's and Israeli's in 1980,

Now Russia,


In contrast, when the PRC attemped to buy their way into the DNC, Clinton launched an investigation and people went to jail.


War News Updates Editor said...

I said the same thing when the story first broke out. Who are the 3 anonymous sources that talked to the New York Times. Also .... how did they have access to Donald Trump Jr's personal emails. And why the leak to the news media now? For me .... and I am speculating like everyone else .... this smells like a set-up job. And as for the emails .... someone(s) in the intel community?

War News Updates Editor said...

You are forgetting the Christopher Steel dossier and its use of numerous Russian sources and contacts that Fusion GPS paid for and was eventually used by Democrats and Republicans against Trump. I have no proof .... just a gut feeling .... but that entire story smelled like a typical Russian disinformation campaign that Trump's opponents eagerly jumped on.

And then there is the DNC-Ukraine connection during the campaign .... albeit at a smaller and lesser level.

War News Updates Editor said...

I forgot the big one .... Clinton Foundation and the gobs of money that they have received from overseas. Money and contributions that have since dried up.

The Clintons. The Trumps. The Washington establishment. The media. Special interest groups. A pox on all of their houses.

Jay Farquharson said...

A) it's not illegal to hire a Foreign National to do opposition research, hire is the key word there,

B) the Steele Dossier was contracted by the Pence Campaign, and when Steele discovered evidence of illegal acts by Trump/Russia, he properly shared it with the FBI and other Republicans in key oversight positions,

C) the DNC did not collude with the Ukrainians,

D) Court's don't accept the defence that it wasn't really a robbery, because the defendant didn't get away with any money.


Jay Farquharson said...


The Clinton Foundation is a properly registered Charity, that get's a 9 rating from Charity Watch and have been regularly investigated by the IRS and found to be in full compliance with US Laws.

The closest anyone has come to "proving" pay for play, was a large donation made at the same time as a visa request to State, the visa request never came even close to Secretary of State Clinton and the visa request was denied to the applicant.

Charity Watch rates the Trump Foundation and the Ivanka Trump Foundation as a fraud, a criminal tax scam for the personal enrichment of the Trump Family, and they ate currently under many criminal investigations.

Meuller will definately be investigating the entire Trump Administration under the Emolument's Clause, because it's pretty clear that everything from Trump Hotels to Trump Water, is both a pay for play scheme and a defrauding of US Taxpayers,


"Moving the goalposts: an ongoing saga:

1) Don’t be silly. There’s no evidence that the Russians did anything untoward or that anyone involved with the Trump campaign even met with the Russians, let alone colluded with them for electoral gain. We should not waste our time on such distractions from the real issues.

2) Don’t be silly. There’s no evidence that the Russians did anything untoward that I personally find convincing. And while one or two people with the Trump campaign did have undisclosed meetings with Russian officials that they later forgot to remember when denying having them under oath, there is no reason to see that as being particularly suspicious. We should not waste our time on such distractions from the real issues.

3) Don’t be silly. The evidence that the Russians messed with the election comes from intelligence sources. ‘Nuff said. And while a myriad of people with the Trump campaign did have undisclosed meetings with Russian officials which kept slipping their minds when they were questioned about such meetings, there is no reason to see that as being particularly suspicious. We should not waste our time on such distractions from the real issues.

4) Don’t be silly. Remember: U.S. intelligence, a contradiction in terms. That, or the Deep State apparatus. One of those things. Sure, people involved with the Trump campaign met people connected to the Russian government to discuss colluding with them for electoral gain, but nothing actually come of it in this particular meeting so no harm done, amirite? And if any harm was done, it was to Hillary Clinton because of the bad things she did that, had she not done them, would have meant there could have been no collusion so her evildoing is the real story. We should not waste our time on such distractions from the real issue, which is Hillary’s evildoing.."


What does Alex Jone's know about Trump that you don't?

RussInSoCal said...

Ah. The asshatery begins in earnest.

WNU has the patience of a parent with a special needs child.

fred said...

I am too hungry at this hour, waiting for The Bride to arrive and take care of me, but just to note in passing:

when i was playing with Panama Papers *investigative reporting on offshore banking), the name "TRUMP" appeared in over 3,400 accounts. I assume these were brands paying for the use of his name.

Jay Farquharson said...


WNU Editor better start working on his Trump/Russian Pee Hookers Tape excuses now, because he's gonna have to put in a lot of work to try to "bothsiderist" and excuse that one,

When Putin drops it.

Natasha's impeccably timed CBS Interview shows that Putin and the FSB havn't finished with their ratfucking of the US, and suggest's there's probably some Oval Office collusion still going on.


Jay Farquharson said...

Hair Twitler and his Fourth Reich crew Incorporate hundreds of companies in a normal year, both as a way to claimstake is brand, and to also protect his brand.

Numbered Companies are also the largest invester's in various Trump Projects and buyers of Trump Properties.

DJT Jr. let it slip that "The Russian's" were Cheeto Benito's cash flow.

Anonymous said...

The only thing that interests me is why you hate Trump so much? My best guess is envy because you have not been as lucky as him with the ladies or money.

Jay Farquharson said...


Cheeto Benito is doing everything I hoped he would do and more, faster than I had ever hoped.

When the Supremes appointed BushII as #43, the US was the sole remaining Superpower, dominating the Global Economy, with no regional compeditors and an Alliance/Extortion system that was running the entire world for the benifit of a few.

When BushII left office, China and Russia were back, China ran the global economy, the US Alliance system had been greatly weakend, the US was mired in a global litany of never ending wars, debt was run up into the trillions, the US reputation as the Shining City on the Hill had been irretrevably damaged with torture and warcrimes, and American lies on everything from race to rights and freedoms had been made clear world wide. Oh, and lots and lots of Dead American's.

BushII did massive damage to the US from the Inside, greater damage than any Enemy of the US, has achieved in War or Peace.

Hair Twitler's on pace to make BushII look like a piker.


BTW, if Goldstone was actually referencing Yuri Chaika as the "Crown Prosecutor", Dead Trump Minions are going to start to pile up as DC experiences a strange Polonium Epidemic.

Anonymous said...

Are you parodying the brainwashed morons who call trump a cheeto as if it's clever or have you really lost your mind? You aren't going to convince ANYONE with you "LMFAO" schtick. Jesus christ.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing to see guys like Jay roil around in their relatively tiny bubble of amplified outrage. It's conspiracists like him who are going to (unfortunately) hand Trump and the republicans another 4 years of a golden platter. Since the election I've watched every person I know go from center-left to unaffiliated/right-wight simply due to the self-assured insanity that the never-trumpers display online.

Keep your energy up, it's gonna be a long ride Mr. Farquharson.

Jay Farquharson said...

Trumpista's and Deplorable's are so dipped in 40 years of Wingnuttia and Conspiracy Theory, that few of them can barely think, let alone read.


During and after 9/11, I learned time and time again that the only thing that changes a 'Murkin RWNJ's "mind" if you want to call it that, is a deep personal tragedy that challenges everything Faux News told them to believe, and even then, only a few actually "learn", most just dive deeper down into the Fever Swamps and go "full Alex Jones".

I'm not trying to do the impossible task of "changing their minds",

I'm here to laugh at all the stupid 'Merkin's embracing the MAGA so hard that they are rapidly turning the US into a Third World Shit hole.

WNU Editor, the Deplorables and the 'Murkin's had bet their lives on Trumpistan and will remain in denial even as the bodies pile up.

I'm just LMFAO,

And appreciating all the nice thank you emails I get from people who come to this site for the news links, but don't comment because of the Wingnuttia.

RussInSoCal said...

"And appreciating all the nice thank you emails I get from people who come to this site for the news links, but don't comment because of the Wingnuttia."

Please do share - maybe one of them has a coherent argument. instead of the cut and paste grade-school dipshitism.

farq troll doesn't seem to understand he's being toyed with on this site. I'd welcome more lefty's here - absolutely! Maybe THEIR arguments would merit actual discussion. Fred, for instance is thoughtful and intelligent.

Is the idiotic "LMFAO" dripping rage farq troll all the left has got? Seems the case. That's f'n pathetic.


Jay Farquharson said...


Your CDS and projection are showing,


30,000 Clinton EMail's, nothingburger,

1 DJT Jr. Email, Impeachment,



Making Attorneys Great Again!

Andrew Jackson said...

Canadia is a fake country. Trump TV is good entertainment

Anonymous said...

Jay... I'm getting a bit worried about you. .. you okay?