Thursday, July 13, 2017

Do President Trump's Supporters Still Support Him?

The Appalachian Highway, or State Route 32, seen near Beaver, Ohio on July 12, 2017. Tim Reid

Tim Reid, Reuters: In Trump's Ohio bastion, supporters dismiss uproar over Donald Jr.

LITTLE HOCKING, Ohio (Reuters) - While revelations that Donald Trump Jr. welcomed Russian help in last year's presidential election roil Washington, asking about it along southern Ohio's Appalachian Highway can draw some pretty strange looks.

In the mostly rural, heavily Baptist and predominately Trump-supporting terrain, the collective reaction ranges from ignorance about the Russia investigation, to a belief that some media want to destroy Republican President Donald Trump and his family, to complete disinterest.

Many of the 20 people interviewed in several Ohio towns were dismissive of the barrage of headlines about a June 2016 meeting between Trump's eldest son Donald Jr. and a woman he was told was a Russian government lawyer who might have damaging information about Democratic election rival Hillary Clinton.

The revelation was made when Trump Jr. released a series of emails on Tuesday amid investigations of U.S. intelligence agency conclusions that Moscow sought to help Trump win. Russia has denied allegations of interfering in the election and Trump has denied his campaign colluded with Russian officials, sometimes dismissing the notion as "fake news."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: OMG!!!! Reuters actually sent someone out to fly-over country in the U.S. to find out what is the political sentiment "over there" .... and no surprise .... found that there is no change in President Trump's support among his supporters.

Update: Zero Hedge has some interesting polls on what do Americans think on the current political debates in Washington .... Why Middle America Doesn't Care About The Trump Jr. Narrative: Reuters Explains (Zero Hedge).


Anonymous said...

I see it like this: How come Trump is not in prison yet, if he's working with the Russians? I mean, after all, he's the President and has nuclear codes, and is constantly making all sorts of trips on behalf of the USA. Would they really, really let him do that if there was but a shred of evidence in his guilt?

It's been nine months, folks.

But, but... Watergate took time too!

Yeah, but guys, there was no accusation that Russia is controlling Nixon. It was a minor crime in comparison to what you think is happening here..

CNN, MSNBC, WASHINGTON POST, NYTIMES are saying "hey, this guy (Trump) and his family is colluding with Russia" and in the same sentence "Russia hacked the election" and "Do they have something on Trump? Is he compromised?" (Followed on idiot Clapper or Jack or whatever that retards name at CNN is who then goes to say with a deep voice "the Russians, they do this often, they even have a special name for compromised.. they call it kompromat (or however Russians write it)... " yeah, doofus.. they have their own language and terms, and we do it too.. we call it ... *makes dark and sinister voice like the CNN douche*... "we call it compromised"

haha it's such a joke by now...

and then the introduction of the word "nefarious".. must have been mentioned 10,000 times on CNN in conjunction with Trump... scripting much? :)

Oh and yeah.. CNN is retracting the kompromat thing just a bit later..

Guys, please wake the f up

Anonymous said...

Just to make it clear: I don't support trump nor Clinton. .not even American. ..but I support an evidence based legal system in which the burden of proof lies with the accusing side and being correct is what journalists should be. Not in the accuse/innuendo -make money - optional retract business.

RussInSoCal said...

Its shaping up to be a delicious 2018. :-)

fred said...

The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind exceeding fine...that is: Justice maybe slow but it will come eventually.3rd century Greek philosopher Sextus Empiricus...
I have begun to assume that many of those posting as Anon are Russian trolls. And for those who think all MSM is worthless: where other than Fox and Zero Hedge, do you go for news? and yes, both Zero and Fox get theirs from journalists too.
advice from me: then: if you have run long distance races, marathons etc., you will know the importance of timing and pacing. Vladivostok was not built in a day

Anonymous said...

Go out and hike the Appalachian Trail, you will find out first hand from locals in small towns from Georgia to Maine why Trump was elected and why they still support him. The one thing I learned from my hike was that us city dwellers truly live in a insulated bubble.

Anonymous said...

Trump With Love 8yrs

Unknown said...

In 2years the Russian lawyer will be kicked out of the country or some Democrats will be in jail.

The Russian lawyer hired "Red" Dellums.

Oh yeah, the Democrats are hip deep in sewage and they are still flinging it like monkeys.