Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Fake News Is Nothing New

By David V. Gioe, RCD/National Interest: The History of Fake News

It was a clear autumn day in Washington, DC on October 27, 1941, when President Franklin Roosevelt delivered his Navy Day speech to the American people. Halloween was later that week, but Adolf Hitler and his Wehrmacht war machine were scaring the administration. Roosevelt used his address to highlight the threat posed to the Western Hemisphere—America’s hemisphere—per the longstanding Monroe Doctrine. The Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor was six weeks hence, and Americans were leery of getting involved again in Europe’s perennially bloody wars. Charles Lindbergh and the “America First” movement, which represented America’s isolationist current, objected to greater involvement. Roosevelt needed to make the case that the Nazi threat to America was real. He noted, earlier that month, that a German U-boat had attacked an American destroyer, the USS Kearny, causing eleven American combat fatalities. “America has been attacked,” Roosevelt declared. “The USS Kearny is not just a navy ship. She belongs to every man, woman and child in this nation. . . . Hitler's torpedo was directed at every American.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This essay is broken into two parts .... the first part is a look at how fake news helped to get the U.S. involved in the First and Second World Wars .... the second part is a look at how the decline of critical thinking in today's society is making us susceptible to fake news.


TWN said...

The problem is trying to figure out what is real and what is BS, right now in Canada the CBC puts out a larger amount of pro Syrian Immigrant stories, leaving out any stories of the problems Europe is having with Migrants from that part of the world. The supermarket Chain Sobey's also has a series commercials that are pro Immigration, that feature Europeans mostly, although the vast amount of Immigrants come from the third world.Omission is as big a problem as fake news/propaganda as well. There's is an inconstancy from the News of the MSM and from the Alt Media, Hillery Clinton's coverage is prime example the MSM rarely mentioned anything negative about Clinton, they glossed over or omitted anything that made that despicable person look bad, Clinton had a lot of baggage, and should never have gotten the nomination, but the MSM promoted the hell out of her, she should have gotten the same kind of coverage Trump got, the MSM dug up all his baggage. This is why the Media has such low numbers, the most disgusting, vile group of twats after PC Do-Gooders of course.

Caecus said...

Social engineering

Unknown said...

"Roosevelt left out the minor detail that the Kearny was busy raining down depth charges on a German U-boat when she was torpedoed."

Now that is news.

I read a lot of military history magazines, but you cannot read them all.

I am not sure all are publically indexed. It would be interesting to see of they have this story.

These magazines do not cover everything, but they try hard. You can only recycle old battles so many times. different authors have different angles and you learn something new, but often times there is a sense of not learning anything.

I know that Roosevelt wanted us to get involved. The magazines have covered the USS Lanikai.

It is one thing to present yourself as a target like the Lanikai; it is another to shoot at someone.

Unknown said...

The Zimmermann Telegram was not fake.

Maybe it was not news, but the Brits ran ammo from NYC to Britain on civilian ships in WW1. This lead to the Black Tom Explosion.

James said...

"teaching the difference between argument and assertion"
"the utility of information is now more important than its veracity."

It is important to note that though the rank and file of analysts do do all right things in their job, they probably more than anyone else are also aware of their political superiors needs and desires.

fred said...

Poll: More Americans trust CNN than Trump

Unknown said...

The Rube's assertion is that the press especially CNN merely objectively reports then news and does not shape it.

"When Hearst Artist Frederic Remington, cabled from Cuba in 1897 that "there will be no war," William Randolph Hearst cabled back: "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war.""

I went to war. When I was called up. I was depressed. It was a black depression. then I got there and things were not that bad.

So why did I get so damn depressed?

Because of scum reporters, editors and politicians.

You had lying scum like Harry Reid saying the "The war is lost".

Did the utterance come out of his pie hole (really not a pie hole, but a lie hole)shape public opinion at least for a time?

Laughing my OSSOF!

Rube you are weak!


BTW did Harry Reid ever sue the equipment manufacturer?

Was Harry Reid brilliant enough to use a shower door as an anchor point?

Maybe the putz exercised in the bathroom, because he is narcissistic and he was checking himself out.

Or did his drunken brother beat him up?

Or was it the Democrat party leaders, because he would not toe the line?