Monday, July 3, 2017

German Chancellor Merkel's Party Platform: U.S. Is No Longer A 'Friend'

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and U.S. President Donald Trump before talks at the G7 summit in Taormina, Sicily, Italy, May 26, 2017. Guido Bergmann/Courtesy of Bundesregierung/Handout via REUTERS

Reuters: U.S. no longer a 'friend' in Merkel election program

In their campaign program for the German election, Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives have dropped the term "friend" in describing the relationship with the United States.

Four years ago, the joint program of her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU), referred to the United States as Germany's "most important friend" outside of Europe.

The 2013 program also described the "friendship" with Washington as a "cornerstone" of Germany's international relations and talked about strengthening transatlantic economic ties through the removal of trade barriers.

But the words "friend" and "friendship" are missing from the latest election program - entitled "For a Germany in which we live well and happily" - which Merkel and CSU leader Horst Seehofer presented on Monday ahead of a Sept. 24 election.

Read more .....

WNU Editor: I do not think most Americans (and Germans) are going to lose any sleep tonight over this change in relationship.


Unknown said...

Merkel is the ditz that has a to & fro energy policy.

She is also pro-rape. She can say that she isn't but actions speak louder than words.

Although the rape took place in June, police kept silent about it for nearly three months, until local media published a story about the crime. According to an editorial comment in the newspaper Westfalen-Blatt, police are refusing to go public about crimes involving refugees and migrants because they do not want to give legitimacy to critics of mass migration.

Approximately 80% of the refugees/migrants at the shelter in Munich are male... the price for sex with female asylum seekers is ten euros. — Bavarian Broadcasting (Bayerischer Rundfunk).

Police in the Bavarian town of Mering, where a 16-year-old-girl was raped on September 11, have issued a warning to parents not to allow their children to go outside unaccompanied. In the Bavarian town of Pocking, administrators of the Wilhelm-Diess-Gymnasium have warned parents not to let their daughter's wear revealing clothing in order to avoid "misunderstandings."

Jac said...

I have a hard time to understand Angela. She is a good person, so far, but her narrative is pretty strange. Well, what happens if America is not anymore the last resource of Europe? I understand she is in an election time, but what she said will stand after her reelection.

Unknown said...

How Germans can vote for her I will never know!

Bob Huntley said...


Unknown said...

The German Economic miracle began in the 1950s or 1960s.

It was around long before she showed up.

She can damage it with poor economic policy.

She can damage it with poor social policy such as letting in poor, poor refugees 80% of whom are male.

The women does not have to worry about rape. Any would be rapist would need more than 1 bag of flour.

Unknown said...

Austrian Troops at the Brenner Pass?