Saturday, July 8, 2017

German Intelligence: Iran Is Still Seeking Nuclear Weapons Technology

Jerusalem Post: German intelligence: Iran seeks nuclear weapons technology

Tehran also spies on "declared enemies" Israel and Jewish institutions in Germany, according to intelligence reports.

Damning German intelligence reports emerged in June and July revealing the Iranian regime's continued pursuit of nuclear weapons and missile technology in defiance of international sanctions and UN regulations to contain Tehran's jingoism.

The federal intelligence report stated the Islamic Republic also targets Jewish and Israeli institutions for espionage purposes.

According to the German state of Hamburg's intelligence agency, “there is no evidence of a complete about-face in Iran’s atomic policies in 2016” [after the Islamic Republic signed the JCPOA accord with world powers in 2015, designed to curb Iran's nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief]. Iran sought missile carrier technology necessary for its rocket program.”

Read more ....

Update #1: Iran Still on the Hunt for Nuclear Weapons Technology Across Germany (Weekly Standard)
Update #2: Iran illegally seeking weapons tech from German firms, according to report (FOX News)

WNU Editor: Even with this damning report, the German government still wants to continue with the Iran nuclear deal .... German, Iranian Foreign Ministers: Iran nuclear deal must stay (DW).


Rodger said...

The reality of the situation is, with so many nations already possessing nuclear weapons, there is absolutely no moral authority to demand other nations should not seek to do the same. US never should have nuked Japan. We opened Pandora's Box, and once opened, there is no way to re-box the evil that escaped.

fred said...

I will not argue about the wisdom of using the A bombs we had developed, by as many science people have noted, many nations would have developed nuclear bombs no matter how we acted. I believe Germany was working on such bombs at the same time we were.