Sunday, July 2, 2017

Has The Media Lost Interest In Russia-Gate?

(Click on Image to Enlarge)

Daniel Lazare, Strategic Culture: The Mad Chase for Russia-gate Prey

June is turning out to be the cruelest month for the Russia-gate industry. The pain began on June 8 when ex-FBI Director James Comey testified that a sensational New York Times article declaring that “members of Donald J. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials” was “in the main … not true.”

Then came Republican Karen Handel’s June 20 victory in a special election in Georgia’s sixth congressional district, sparking bitter recriminations among Democrats who had hoped to ride to victory on a Russia-gate-propelled wave of resistance to Trump.

More evidence that the strategy was not working came a day later when the Harris Poll and Harvard’s Center for American Political Studies produced a devastating survey showing that 62 percent of voters see no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, while 54 percent believe the “Deep State” is trying to unseat the President by leaking classified information. The poll even showed a small bounce in Trump’s popularity, with 45 percent viewing him favorably as opposed to only 39 percent for his defeated Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

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WNU Editor: The press has definitely given up on this story .... now focusing instead on this .... Watergate reporter: We are in a 'malignant presidency' (The Hill) .... and (of course) on this story .... Trump kicks off Fourth of July weekend by bashing "dumb as a rock Mika" Brzezinski (CBS). The Democrats are focusing on this .... Bill to create panel that could remove Trump from office quietly picks up Democratic support (Yahoo News). Special Counsel Mueller and his army of Democrat donating lawyers may find something .... but that is something that we will have to wait and see.


Victor said...

By trying to implement his so called `drain the swamp`, in resistance the deep state will have him kicked out. He should tread carefully.

Anonymous said...

Tread carefully. F that. He knows that is exactly opposite of why he was elected. Burn it down.

Unknown said...

Elected Democrat Official, Democrat Press Hacks, & rubes have temporarily lost interest.

They have decided 8 months of trying this angle that it is not working out for them and that apathy and disbelief are working against them.

So they are going to try new avenues of approach.

Still like a forest fire this can reignite. Democrat pols, press hacks & rubes will come slavering for Trump & any other Republican they can get.

Mueller is wielding a weapon, a 2 edge sword. It has 2 edges and cuts both ways.

Susan Rice will look good in orange.
Loretta Lynch will look good in orange.
Hillary will look good in orange.
McCabe will look good in orange.
Comey will look good in orange.
Mueller will look good in orange.

"So in 2014 Michael Flynn backed up a sex discrimination charge brought by a female special agent in the FBI against McCabe and other top people at the FBI."

The Deep State will look good in the unemployment line. It is us or it is them. As Sun Tzu said it "We are on death ground".

We cannot do it in the Depp state way anymore.

Trump promised a wall and to grow the economy. The Deep state does not want this.

Here are some examples:

The story of Sarah Root, held up in Trump's acceptance speech

The Rube has poor reading compression, so the Rube can look at the pictures (i.e. the news video) of the above linked story. I hope his hearing aid works.

Unexpected twist in deadly San Francisco shooting

The above lined CBS news story had this headline in the google search.
"New details in San Francisco shooting by undocumented"

This shows more Fake News. Murderer Gunman Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez was not undocumented, he was an illegal alien. The Left, the Press Hacks in this case used the euphemism undocumented instead of illegal to frame the argument, to frame the narrative. If you can't lie about the truth wholesale, then you lie about by small degrees until gradually those small degrees build up and you are where you (if you are the Left) want to be with a complete falsehood.

Anonymous said...

OK, now that JabberJay is in hiding, because his side's narrative has collapsed, we have crazy Aizino who's probably not on his meds again, or on too many meds. ..only God knows.

Unknown said...

Lefty Anon,

Dispute 1 point I made with some other than your specialty, ad hominem attacks.

- Is there a problem with illegals crossing the border dozens of times?

Dispute that

- Does the MSM presstitutes use euphemism such as undocumented instead of the correct term of illegal alien?

Dispute that.

fred said...

Poor ASS
so much spare time and so little to do so unburdens his venom, right out of the Trumpinista playbook, from whom Deplorables take their visions. Tip: it is all not just predictable but makes you look truly filled with rage, hate, and mostly a lot of insecurity...Paranoid Style in American Politics...that classic work said it all.

Unknown said...

Poor Fred the Phool.

I heard about Sarah Root from a local talk show host. I was surprised rather pleasantly that Trump brought it up. I learned that Trump brought it up almost 8 months after Trumps' acceptance speech, when I looked for an article.

I will make this real easy for you RUBE!

I do not listened to Trump's acceptance speech. I learned about Trump's mentioning a 4.0 college graduate murdered by one of your DEAR DREAMERS from local media.

So how does that fit into you labeling me a Trumpinista?

Let me help u out, since u r a PhD Rube. It doesn't rube!

Unknown said...


Look at Scott and Michelle Root's faces in the story. They look sad now, but once they get over their sadness I bet there is a lot of anger there too.

That anger is meet & right. That anger spurs people to action, so that some glib lib does not spout a few platitudes to soothe things, so that libs can go back to do what they want to do, which is wide open borders. It spurs people to action, so they get out the vote. It spurs people to buttonhole unmitigated, unrepentant asswipes such as yourself at family gatherings at Thanksgiving like Obama (The One per Oprah) said we should.

The story of Sarah Root, held up in Trump's acceptance speech

Unknown said...

Well we really are just trying to upgrade our immigration policy to match the Canadians at least. However we are at war. And war is hell. It never ends well these days for anyone.
I think that Mueller, will read between the lines and come to grip with the harsh reality of the deep states influence. And being surrounded by Democrat lawyers is good. When the truth is out and the criminals punished the party will have some shred of integrity left.

Unknown said...

"No European country presently grants unconditional birthright citizenship; however, most countries in the Americas, e.g., the United States, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil do so. "

Maternity tourism industry
Birth tourism