Sunday, July 2, 2017

Heavy Philippines Air Force Bombardment Of Islamic State Positions In Marawi (Video)

Previous Post: The Battle To Retake The Philippine City Of Marawi From The Islamic State -- News Updates July 1, 2017

WNU Editor: Using these aircraft to conduct these type of bombing raid tells me that the Philippine military has been given the green light to do what is necessary to retake the city .... even if it may mean destroying a good part of it with heavy civilian casualties.


Unknown said...

The civilian casualties are worrisome.

How many liberal dreamers, I mean jihadis, are there that such air power is needed?

IMHO the PHillipines need to set up a city mock-up to train in urban warfare. This will not be the last of such fighting.

Here is an IQ test for all our liberal friends out there.

Is May 27, 2001 before 911?

If it is, then the kidnappings and beheading are not due to:

- America's response to 911.
- It is not due to the drone war.
- It is not due to the Iraq war.
- It is not due to the Afghanistan War.

I am sure that libs & communists like YC, will either fail the IQ test or argue previous sins.

Philippines kidnappers who beheaded US hostage jailed - The Guardian

The link is to Jay approved media source.

Unknown said...

Right. Parts of the Islamic ideology call for these uprisings. It is the Arab way. A harsh society to say the least. Our great President Thomas Jefferson who created the U S Marines after reading the Koran urged them to go to North Africa and kill them all. So twisted they are from that book and Muhammads teachings. A quite unique and fanciful way to peacefully teach people to kill Jews and infidels.