Monday, July 3, 2017

Is Former President Obama Running A Shadow Presidency?

Former U.S. president Barack Obama (left) dined with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at Montreal's Liverpool House on June 6, 2017 (Justin Trudeau/Twitter)

WNU Editor: Former President Obama has certainly been busy. Today he met with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in Seoul .... Shadow President? Obama Meets With South Korean President To Discuss Trump (Daily Caller). A few days ago Indonesian President .... Barack Obama meets Joko Widodo in visit to childhood home of Indonesia (ABC News Online). A few weeks ago Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau in Montreal .... The Liverpool House Summit: What did Obama and Trudeau talk about? (CBC). In May he openly endorsed then French Presidential candidate .... Obama declares support for Macron in French election - video (The Guardian). Also in May .... meeting German Chancellor Merkel hours before she was to meet President Trump .... 1 day, 2 presidents: Merkel meets with Obama, then Trump (CNN). As for his private phone calls and communications ..... I can only speculate on that ..... but I would not be surprised if he is talking to a lot of world leaders. Is this a big deal? Yes and no. He is now a private citizen ....  so he can do what he wants. But this is not normal behaviour for an ex-President .... far from it. My prediction .... he will continue to meet and/or have phone calls with foreign leaders .... at least with those who still want his advice .... but his focus will be on domestic issues and (definitely) domestic politics, starting with this .... Obama plays behind-the-scenes role in rebuilding Democratic Party (The Hill)


James said...

This behavior by him is not only a strategic mistake for him and those who would support him, but an immense detriment to the Democratic Party.

fred said...

I do not know if Obama running a so-called shadow presidency. But is Trump running a real one? the shadow thing should consider that the president is GOP; the House GOP, the Senate GOP, and the Supreme Court leaning to the right...And all by his lonesome, Obama running things? talk about nonsense.

James said...

Do you notice anything unusual about the place settings in the photo?

War News Updates Editor said...

Two empty places with two extra wine glasses. Hmmmm ....

James said...

The wine and water glasses on Obama's side are empty. On Obama's side everything is neat and sterile. On Trudeau's side there are menus off their holders. On Trudeau's left and right are water glasses with water in them, things just look messy, like some people just got up in a hurry. It looks like Trudeau's side (people) were not expecting a photo op whilst it looks like that's the only reason Obama was there.

Unknown said...


I hope you are right.

I have no idea.

I need to buy a few vowels.

Obama should not have gotten as far as he has.

James said...

I just try to see what's there.

Unknown said...


The restaurant, The Liverpool, is owned by celebrity chef David McMillan, who has a Scottish surname.

The menu looks French.

I agree with the rest except for the fathered part. Obama has not thought up an original idea in his life. He learned from Frank Marshall Davis, Alinsky, Ayers and host of other degenerates.

War News Updates Editor said...

The Liverpool is connected to the restaurant Joe Beef .... it is owned by the same owner. I have been a few times at Joe Beef .... it is across the street from a small concert hall (which the GF and I frequent many times), and the food is beyond excellent. I am surprised that PM Trudeau took President Obama to the Liverpool .... the decor is a bit low class, and the atmosphere is not great. My guess is that they showed up at the last minute .... and since Joe Beef is packed (it is always packed) they chose the smaller venue next door. I was told that security was very tight. A security bubble was made around both restaurants. All reservations were cancelled and the people inside were told to eat fast and get out.

Swede said...

I hope you Will get a taste of socialism one day. God is great

Unknown said...

I hope you are happy living in your bubble.

Swede said...

Yeah it's quite nice over here. We take care of our own,