Monday, July 10, 2017

Is Now The Time To Move Forward On Russia?

New York Times: ‘Time to Move Forward’ on Russia, Trump Says, as Criticism Intensifies

WASHINGTON — President Trump tried without success on Sunday to put the matter of Russia’s election meddling behind him, insisting that he had “strongly pressed” President Vladimir V. Putin on the matter twice in a private meeting last week and declaring that it was “time to move forward.”

But if Mr. Trump believed his willingness to raise the election interference directly with Mr. Putin would quiet questions about whether he could be trusted to stand up to Moscow — an issue that has shadowed his presidency — he grappled instead on Sunday with the reality that the meeting might have raised more suspicions than it quelled.

Lawmakers in both parties said Mr. Trump had appeased the Russian president by failing to insist that he was responsible for the breach or threaten any consequences, and empowered him by appearing willing to partner on a cybersecurity effort to prevent future incursions.

Read more ....

Update #1: Trump: US must work with Russia, move past election issues (AP)
Update #2: Despite the 2016 attack, Trump ready to ‘move forward’ with Russia (MSNBC)

WNU Editor: With the exception of President Trump and a few here and there .... no one in Washington wants to move forward on Russia right now.


Anonymous said...

First get the evidence - because if Russia really really did this they must be insane...because this is as close to war as we've gotten a long time. It just doesn't make sense. Do you think putin wouldn't be able to handle Clinton? She's laughable. He'd have fun slapping her around. Instead Russia gets punished. On that's good and fun for a few months and we can say it's because of Ukraine. Good. But. ..if we don't present any evidence real soon we look like fools and weak. ..that would make Putin "win" and get another times person of the year thingy. No thanks. That's why I'm upset at cnn and any Democrat who jumps on this "smoke is getting thicker" story without any evidence of what actually happened. Once there is evidence by God I want them to kick Trump out of the office and shame and punish him..but only if he's guilty. Otherwise we're all just doing what the media wants us to do. Don't you guys see that? Guilty without evidence. .that's whats happening right now. Unless that evidence is so top secret that only cnn is allowed to see it, of course ;) remember when that cnn twat honestly stood there and said that we - the viewers - are not allowed to see evidence he grabbed from a website? Omg journalism is dying in front of us and we all applaud that "thick smoke"

Hey mate, have you seen that thick smoke over at cnn?

Yeah. .wow. .things must be getting serious...thick some and everything

Now that's what I call journalism.

Right on!

fred said...

For sure all, everything, is the fault of CNN

Anonymous said...

Fred...honestly. .if you think cnn hasn't changed dramatically over the last twenty years then I don't know what you've been watching. Also some of their management decisions have been made public, you know? Like that time when they got half of Americans tied to their couches after 9/11 with their constant amber alerts, then the "everything is breaking news" scandal, then their employee passing on town hall questions to Hillary Clinton ...cnn is not what it used to be. You used to have to provide evidence before calling someone a traitor. That's all I'm saying.

If trump did something let him burn in hell ..but I want to see that evidence. .call me old fashioned...but cnn is Not Jury and judge and money Maker in all of this at the same time. Don't you see a problem with that, Fred?

fred said...

Sure but CNN not the only source for news