Saturday, July 8, 2017

Is Now The Time To Shoot Down A North Korean Missile?

Washington Examiner: Time to shoot down a North Korean missile, former top US general says

It's clear North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is neither impressed nor deterred by recent displays of U.S. military might, so it's time to up the ante, says a retired American four-star commander.

Rather than flying American bombers over the south, or firing missiles into the sea, the U.S. should target the next intercontinental ballistic missile North Korea launches, said retired Air Force Gen. Chuck Wald.

"I would try to shoot one of their test missiles down instead of just firing missiles off the South Korean coast out there," Wald said in an interview with the Washington Examiner.

This week, the U.S. and South Korea responded to North Korea's launch of a new intercontinental ballistic missile by firing a volley of short-range, precision missiles into the waters off South Korea's east coast.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: For such an action to proceed .... Japan and South Korea will need to be on-board. The Japanese will probably say yes .... but South Korea does not give me the impression that they are ready to conduct such an act at this moment in time.

Hat tip Fred for this link.


Jac said...

Sorry for the SK they aren't seeing farther than their nose. It doesn't matter what US will do they will be a target sooner or later.
If US take the military way SK will have a lot of losses, yes. But if DPRK will have his weapon's complete they will blackmail US for leaving SK and they will invade SK with a lot of losses too and, on top of cake, with a big loss in their level of life and freedom.
Why nobody want to remember Munich 1938?

B.Poster said...

The US can't shoot down a North Korean missile. Is now the time for the US to reveal this? This US general is really, really stupid and should be removed from duty immediately. Perhaps he was intoxicated when he made this statement.

US missile defense tests are carefully coordinated to ensure "success." North Korea's misdiles will not be nearly as cooperative as the dummies used in US tests.

fazman said...

Even shooting down a ballistic missile ( which ageis can do) will send a similar message.
He is correct, time to up the ante.

B.Poster said...

"Time to up the ante." Aussies aren't on the chopping block should the attempt fail. Americans are. Even in the unlikely event, the attempt suuceeds North Koreans will be further angered meaning Americans are even more in danger. Since I'm an American and I understand how hated I and my country are in South Korea, I'd explain to them kindly yet forcefully that we will mo longer be your pawns inI their fight against North Korea and would leave their country taking THAAD with me.

I would leave the South Koreans with a parting gift of about 50-100 nukes placing them on par with the Norks allowing them a fighting chance simply because I'm a nice guy and I realize they pegged us Americans as idiots who would be their pawns forever.

This won't be held against them but they must LEAVE US OUT OF THEIR POWER STRUGGLES. America supposedly has over 1,000 nuclear weapons and assuming they work (a questionable assumption) it should be explained should we experience "spill over" both NK and SK will be wiped off the earth.

No questions will be asked. Our enemies of North Korea and South Korea will be exterminated.

American missile defense tests are "fixed." North Korean missiles will not be so cooperative. As such, "upping the ante" will only reveal how weak the American "hand" really is. When one's hand is weak, one folds or bluffs to try and get a better deal.

This is where thev"deal maker" could run into problems when dealing with Putin or Xi. The "deal makers" experience is when he's had the "cards." Here Putin and Xi hold the "high cards" relative to Trump. Can he adjust?

Since the US doesn't have the ability to shoot down a NORK missile and the NORKS and everyone else of importance know this, the general who made this statement has further humiliated us. He needs to be fired forthwith and a board needs to be commissioned to determine if his retirement should be taken from him. (I believe all who sacrifice for America should be treated with dignity.) Unfortunately such a ridiculous statement would call into question is this man sane? Has he gone mad in the heat of battle? Is he a NORK agent? After all a failed attempt to shoot down one of their missiles would make the day of the NORK leaders.

Revealing our weakness would be unwise. No one has even "called our hand." As such, we have some time and space. Firing the general who acted so stupidly would be a good start.

fazman said...

Will you stop with the ill informed nonsense that australia is not on the chopping block.
We are in a pact with south korea since the armistace that automatically draws us into conflict, our deputy prime minisiter has publicly stated that we will fight alongside the u.s if it comes to that, Darwin and Cairns are in range of kims icbm so you now see how incorrect your opening statement is.
I agree that shooting down an icbm is a big gamble and tests are indeed carefully calculated to maximize success and ensure funding, but the U.S can shoot down a ballistic missile (not icbm) with a much higher success rate.
The next missile that goes up should be brought down. B.poster what is the benefit of these flyovers and live firing exercises? Kim knows the u.s can easily defeat him militarily ( he is gambling that they or their allies are t willing to pay the price) and have no political will to call his bluff.
Your constant suggestion of appeasement is what will put "you in the firing line" and willhave you kowtowing for years to come.

Anonymous said...


For some reason my response to you isn't here. As for your "pact" with South Korea
it's worthlessness. They hold you in the same utter contempt they hold us Americans in.

Act accordingly and run away from Soth Korea. DO NOT allow yourself to be screwed over by her or her people.

While South Koreans have stoked North Koreans thinking some would help them, perhaps rhey should adjust to reeality and act according.

Anonymous said...

Fazman don't take bposter seriously. ..He only argues in the interest of Russia and sometimes China and disguises his rationale behind "america is so weak and Russia so strong", leaving out the fact that Russia barely could defeat against Germany when Germany was fighting 6 other major countries including USA at the same time lol anyways in his mind Russia is the best and he usually likes to turn on Russian anthem and then take a few porn mags and then go study them in his parents basement. ..that's bposter in a nutshell

Anonymous said...

Sorry we will not abandon a democratic friend in need. Go talk to Russia and China. They are in the backstabbing business. We will defend or friends.

fazman said...

2 anomonysous lol lve got a headache.

fazman said...

Lol, especially the germany analogy, so true.

fazman said...


Jac said...

Your 1938 state of mind will increase the risk of war, not the opposite. Learn history.

Unknown said...

The U.S. intercepted an ICMB over the Pacific in the last 2 months. The follow on test failed. You could say the odds of an intercept are 50/50. I would say they are north of 50%. Let's saw 65%.

Once any NORK missile is not flying through their airspace, they really have no say the Japanese can do what they want.

Unknown said...

Turfy are you sure about that? I was thinking it was a more primitive structure.

Unknown said...

B Poster,

My spouse never went to highs school. Maybe I never went to high school either.

Maybe you are convincing.

Maybe you are blowing smoke and you know it.

It is summer and it is warm.