Friday, July 7, 2017

Is This President Trump's Syrian Strategy?

A combination of file photos showing Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence outside Moscow, Russia, January 15, 2016 and U.S. President Donald Trump posing for a photo in New York City, U.S., May 17, 2016. REUTERS/Ivan Sekretarev/Pool/Lucas Jackson/File Photos

Spencer Ackerman, Daily Beast: This Is Trump’s Plan to Team Up With Putin in Syria—and Leave Assad in Power

Trump finally has a Syria strategy. It relies on Russian soldiers and a dictator who Trump said in April had to go.

For once, Rex Tillerson is not freelancing.

Late Wednesday, ahead of the first-ever meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, the secretary of state suggested that the U.S. is willing to explore “joint mechanisms” with Russia to stabilize the vicious Syrian civil war.

After a dizzying series of policy shifts on Syria, administration and congressional sources tell The Daily Beast that Team Trump is introducing the beginnings of a new strategy for Syria—one that, in the short term at least:

• leaves dictator Bashar al-Assad in power;
• acquiesces to the idea of “safe zones” proposed by Russia and its allies;
• leans on cooperation from Moscow, including the use of Russian troops to patrol parts of the country.

It’s the sort of plan that observers have long suspected would ultimately emerge as Trump’s approach—despite his pledge that Assad has “no role” in governing the Syrian people. Top Trump aides from Jared Kushner to former national security adviser Michael Flynn have pushed for closer coordination with Russia on Syria for months.

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WNU editor: Since I last posted this story .... U.S. Secretary Of State Tillerson: Russia Will Be Deciding Syrian President Assad's Fate (July 3, 2017) .... two readers that I respect have emailed me saying the same thing that Spencer Ackerman is saying in his post above. There may be some truth to this story.

1 comment:

B.Poster said...

I had patiently explained numerous times from the beginning of the Syrian Civil War in 2011 that Bashar Assad could not be removed from power in Syria as the Russians would not allow it and any policy aimed at "Assad must go" and/or a Syria without Assad having a prominent role would be a policy that would be doomed to failure and very likely enormously costly. Generally speaking smart people do not peruse policies that cannot succeed unless it is a matter of life and death. For the US to have pursued such a policy that had no chance of success and has endangered the survival of America by needlessly provoking tensions with Russia is indicative of leadership that is not very smart.

As such, if the Trump Administration has figured this out, then this means that perhaps we can FINALLY start pursuing policies that actually make sense for the advancement of American interests. While such a change would be/is only a baby step in the right direction, a baby step in the right direction is good and perhaps we can build upon this.

After six years of supporting "rebels" who were/are little different from Al Qaeda/ISIS who never had a chance and even if they did are more undesirable than Assad, perhaps US leadership has FINALLY come its senses. Had reality been embraced from the start perhaps much pain and suffering on the part of the Syrian people may have been avoided. We may never know for certain.

As when Ronald Reagan set out to negotiate an end to Cold War 1, the rhetoric was rather heated. Once it came time to negotiate the leadership on both sides were very respectful to each other. Now, as we need to end Cold War 2, perhaps the same results can be achieved here. While not much would be expected to be accomplished during the first meeting between Putin and Trump, perhaps the groundwork can be laid for more fruitful negotiations later.

It will need to happen soon as Russian patience with the process is likely very nearly depleted and we need to get this done. Additionally, certain unscrupulous elements in the US government (most of them) who are either stark raving mad, breathtakingly stupid, or both will try and do anything they can to undercut negotiations and much needed concessions. This will make the task even more difficult for team Trump.